Don't forget: these are the measures that motorcyclists must comply with from April 18

Starting this Monday, motorcyclists will have to change the letters on the plate of their helmets. And, from Thursday, they will have restrictions on bringing barbecue or companion


During Easter week, the implementation of measures to regulate the use of motorcycles in Bogotá, which had triggered demonstrations in the city by users of this type of vehicle, will begin. Don't forget the new regulations and avoid fines from the authorities.

The first measure that will begin to be effective from this Monday, April 18, will be the identification of motorcycle users and passengers. In accordance with Decree 119 of 2022, both drivers and their companions must wear a badge with the vehicle license plate on the outer back of the helmet.

This must be a decal or print on a dark background and white font; without any element or design that impedes or obstructs its visibility, the letters and numbers must be reflective, arial-type, whose size will be 3.5 centimeters high and a line width of 1 centimeter.


The Secretary of Security, Aníbal Fernández, explained in Noticias Caracol that the idea of the decal will be that it is not confused with the design of the helmet, so a reflective border that differentiates the space from the other colors is recommended. With this system, security cameras will be able to identify motorcycles more easily.

Identification on the helmet will be mandatory from April 18, 2022. Motorcycle riders will have the option, if they consider it appropriate, but only additional to that of the helmet, to wear the identification on the vest or clothing, with the same characteristics whose size shall be at least nine (9) centimetres high by (4) four centimetres wide for each letter or number.


The Secretary of Security also explained that there will be no pedagogical period, because the disclosure of the rule was made during the previous weeks, so from Monday fines will be imposed. In the case of barbeque restriction, it can even lead to immobilization of the vehicle.

Those who fail to comply with these rules may be punished, in accordance with paragraph C.24 of Law 1383 of 2010, by a fine equivalent to fifteen (15) statutory minimum daily wages in force (SMLDV) for the driver and/or owner of a motor vehicle who commits to riding a motorcycle without observing the established regulations. That is, about 500,000 pesos.

The demonstrations unleashed following the announcement of the measures delayed the entry into force of the barbeque restriction, which will take effect from next April 21, under different exceptions. In addition, they managed to add exceptions such as chosen drivers and women.

That is to say that from 7:00 p.m. that day until four in the morning of the following day, successively from Thursday to Saturday, motorcyclists will not be able to carry a male companion. This will be done until June 30, when the restrictions and their impact on city safety will be evaluated.

- Motorcycle-type motor vehicles belonging to the Public Force, State Security Agencies, Judicial Police, Traffic and Transport Authorities, Emergency and Relief Agencies, Prevention and Health.

- Motorcycle-type motor vehicles used by private security personnel, who are in the exercise of their duties, whose occupants must bear the corresponding official identifications that include, card and uniform officially established by the company, in addition to the current authorization of the Superintendency of Surveillance and Private Security.

- Motorcycle-type motor vehicles carrying persons with disabilities, in accordance with the provisions of Law 1618 of 2013 and Resolution 4575 of 2013 of the Ministry of Transport.

- Motorcycle-type motor vehicles used by persons who provide services for insurers and legal entities whose purpose is to provide “chosen driver” assistance or automotive technical assistance. To this end, those responsible for providing such services must carry the identification that accredits them and show on their clothing the type of service they provide, in order to allow the authorities to identify them as such.

