This is the deadline for paying the discounted property tax in Bogotá

The Ministry of Finance has defined the deadlines for citizens to cancel the property by accessing discounts through different payment channels

TIJUANA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, 03ENERO2018.- Ciudadanos acudieron al Palacio Municipal para pagar el impuesto predial 2018 aprovechando el mes de enero donde se ofrecen descuentos por puntualidad de pago. FOTO: CHRISTIAN SERNA /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Ministry of Finance in Bogotá published this Friday the dates on which citizens will have to pay property tax in the capital, while announcing the expansion of the service channels to make this payment that will have a discount for those who make it before the established dates.

From next Monday, April 18, citizens will be able to download their property tax bill through the company's website, where they will only have to enter the identity card and the Chip of the property, without having to enter the virtual office, which seeks to facilitate this procedure.

The entity indicated that in order to print the receipt, the application requires the owner's number, which can be the citizenship card, the alien's card or the NIT, and that once they have the physical invoice, printed in laser, they will be able to make the payment through the bank portals that have an agreement with the Secretariat or with the authorized financial institutions.

“We appreciate the excellent tax culture that Bogotans have and those citizens who want to pay on time. Therefore, we want to facilitate the procedure for you on our website Remember to have the CHIP of the property and the owner's ID on hand. For their part, the holders of a lease must know the NIT number of their trustee or bank to do the process,” said Treasury Secretary Juan Mauricio Ramírez.

Similarly, the official explained that during these days taxpayers in strata 1 and 2, those who live in rural areas or older adults of stratum three will begin to receive physical bills for their property tax in their homes, so it is expected that this process will end by the end of the month, while noting that “in total, we will send 810,000 physical invoices, out of a total of 2.2 million invoices from the property.”

Payment of property tax at a discount according to the last letter of the Chip:

A, H - Monday 9 May

C, E - Tuesday 10 May

D, F - Wednesday, May 11

J, M - Thursday, May 12

K, P - Friday, May 13

L, N - Monday, May 16

O, Q, R - Tuesday, May 17

S, T - Wednesday, May 18

U, W - Thursday, May 19

X - Friday, May 20

Y - Monday 23 May

Z - Without CHIP Tuesday, May 24

“The entity continues to provide face-to-face care services at SuperCADES CAD, Americas, Suba and July 20, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., subject to scheduling on the entity's website and depending on the availability of appointments. Right there, taxpayers have self-service kiosks available,” said the Secretariat.

In addition, the chat has been arranged on the official website in order to answer questions about general tax information and the video call service that seeks to offer advice to people with hearing disabilities, while WhatsApp line 3002703002 will be enabled, from Monday to Friday, between 7:00 a.m. m. and 5:30 p.m.