They arrested an alleged feminicide who killed her partner and two minors in Veracruz

The crime occurred in the municipality of Tlapacoyan on April 14

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 25NOVIEMBRE.- Decenas de personas se reunieron con velas y cruces rosas en el Monumento a la Revolución para caminar en la "Velada para recordar a las que ya no están con nosotras e iluminar el camino de justicia", la cual terminó en el AntiMonumenta. Esto en el marco del Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres. 
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 25NOVIEMBRE.- Decenas de personas se reunieron con velas y cruces rosas en el Monumento a la Revolución para caminar en la "Velada para recordar a las que ya no están con nosotras e iluminar el camino de justicia", la cual terminó en el AntiMonumenta. Esto en el marco del Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres. FOTO: ROGELIO MORALES /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Members of the ministerial police apprehended Juan Augusto “N”, an alleged feminicide and possibly responsible for the murder of a woman and two minors in the state of Veracruz.

This crime occurred on April 14 in the municipality of Tlapacoyan, where Susana Carreto Alfonso, her 10-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old boy, were allegedly deprived of life by Juan Augusto.

According to a statement from the Attorney General of the State of Veracruz (FGE), the arrest was carried out after the elements of the ministerial police carried out the investigations and submitted the appropriate evidence to obtain the arrest warrant.

This was granted and completed on the night of Friday, April 15, for the crimes of femicide (by Susana and the girl) and that of qualified intentional homicide (for that of the boy). Their bodies were found the day before in a water pool in the municipality.

Similarly, the prosecutor's office reported that Susana Carreto was the detainee's romantic partner.


After the judicial order has been carried out, the alleged perpetrator will be presented at an initial hearing before the judge of oral criminal trial and procedure in Jalacingo to define his legal status, as part of criminal proceedings C-55/2022.

According to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), from January to February 2022, about 155 femicides were registered nationally, of which 15 occurred in the state of Veracruz, placing it in the second place nationally with the highest number of femicides.

The study was cut off in February and was published on March 25. But according to local media, as of March 36 femicides had been registered in the entity.

On the other hand, in recent days the alleged perpetrator of the femicide of the minor was linked to the trial Victoria Guadalupe in the state of Querétaro.

The minor left her home located in the Paseos del Marqués Fraccionamiento to go to a nearby stationery store on April 6. However, after several days without knowing his whereabouts and searches by the authorities, his body was found on April 9.


According to the investigations, the cause of death was asphyxiation due to strangulation and sexual injuries.

This was announced by the Chief Justice of the High Court of Justice (TSJ), Mariela Ponce Villa, on Monday, April 11. The initial hearing on linkage to the process was held and detailed that three months of additional investigation was given for the prosecution to provide further evidence.

The detainee was admitted to CERESO in San José El Alto and did not have the benefit of being released on bail. The Magistrate stressed that the interim hearing will be held in August.

The hearing will be where all evidence is released and the date for the trial hearing will be determined.

The Deputy Prosecutor for Investigation and Prosecution of Crime, Margarita Luna Téllez Girón, took the opportunity to recall that the penalty for the crime of femicide can range from 20 to 50 years in prison.

