Soldado lost one of his feet after falling into a minefield in Norte de Santander

The member of the 11th Land Operations Battalion of the National Army was transferred to the city of Cucuta for medical attention

Foto de archivo. Un miembro del Batallón de Desminado Humanitario del Ejército de Colombia busca minas terrestres en Cocorná, en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, 3 de marzo, 2015. REUTERS/Fredy Builes
Foto de archivo. Un miembro del Batallón de Desminado Humanitario del Ejército de Colombia busca minas terrestres en Cocorná, en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, 3 de marzo, 2015. REUTERS/Fredy Builes

A professional soldier was injured on the afternoon of this Friday, April 15, after falling into a minefield, in the Guarapales village, located in the municipality of Teorama (Norte de Santander), according to Semana magazine.

The uniformed man, identified as José Páramo Casto, was carrying out security operations in that rural area along with several of his colleagues from the 11th Land Operations Battalion of the National Army, when they were surprised by the detonation.

Preliminary information obtained by the same medium indicated that, after the detonation of the mine, the soldier had his right foot amputated, so combat nurses had to treat him while he was evacuated, by air, to the city of Cucuta to receive medical attention.

Although at the moment the Army does not know which illegal armed group would be behind the installation of the explosive device, Blu Radio knew that, apparently, they could be members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) or the dissidents of the 33rd FARC front, who are operating in the area.

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The presence of explosive devices in the municipality of Teorama is not new. On March 30, the commander of the Norte de Santander Police, Colonel Carlos Martínez, announced in dialogue with RCN Mundo that members of the ELN installed an explosive in the middle of the municipal park.

According to the uniformed, members of the Anti-Explosive Police were responsible for detonating the device in a controlled manner, which could have caused a tragedy for the civilian population that travels daily in the area to go to their jobs or take their children to school.

The commander of the Norte de Santander Police indicated to the same media that the incident was added to other cases of explosives that were found during that week in the urban area of the municipalities of Hacarí, Tibú and Ocaña, and that they were installed to attack the public forces and civilians.

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It should be recalled that, by March 24, the National Army also reported that, in less than 24 hours, they thwarted two terrorist attacks in Norte de Santander. According to the institution, the first incident was reported in the district of La Gabarra, in the rural area of the municipality of Tibú, where a group of bomb cylinders was deactivated.

In an interview with RCN Radio, the commander of the Vulcano Task Force, Colonel Diego Jaramillo Muñoz, detailed that the device was installed near a slaughter plant, in the vicinity of which are peasants' homes and a fishing and sand extraction area on the Catatumbo River.

The second attack that thwarted the Army was in the municipality of Convención, where members of the ELN had installed an explosive device in the vicinity of the municipal Agrarian Bank, according to the institution in a statement.

According to the Military Forces, the device managed to be disabled “in a controlled manner by our anti-explosive technicians of the Second Division”, thus avoiding an emergency in the population.

