Resurrection Sunday: what does it mean and what is the teaching that leaves us

This is the last date of Holy Week that commemorates the return to life of Jesus Christ, who suffered crucified on the cross for our sins.


“Why search among the dead for the living? He's not here, he's risen.” Within the framework of the Easter events, the first element to be found is the empty tomb, an act that marks the Sunday of Resurrection, an event that marks the end of Holy Week. This seventh day recalls the return of Jesus from the dead after being killed by the Romans, who carried out one of the most brutal physical punishments that caused a slow death: crucifixion.

According to ancient scriptures, the messiah told his twelve apostles that he would rise again on the third day, taking as reference his death on the cross. This complied with what was said, since when the specified date arrived, the Romans confirmed that the body had disappeared and only one cloth was found that covered it, which is known as the sacred mantle. The authorities were not certain of the version of his return to life, so they began a search with the sole objective of finding his body.

It is understood that his first appearance without his earthly body was through an intense radiance. This only marked the journey he made prophesying and performing miracles. One of the most important moments was his reunion with the apostles, who fell before the wisdom of their master. Those who doubted his presence managed to see his wounds still healing.



This is a day when his continuity with the mission of the almighty is remembered, who charged him to live with men and women to save them from sin. His word began to reach every corner of the world thanks to his faithful companions, who, with their faith and love as their motivation, evangelized with what Jesus taught them.

The main teaching of his reincarnation is related to what he confessed to Peter in his last appearance. He told him that he will never separate himself from them, since he lives in their hearts, and that nothing would change that.

What did Jesus say to Peter? According to the Gospel of John, the Risen Christ appears again to seven of his disciples in Lake Tiberias, and makes him reaffirm his love for him three times, entrusting him with the task of shepherding his sheep and feeding his lambs.


Taking article 5 as a reference, the profession of the Christian faith of the catechism of the Catholic Church, Mary Magdalene and the holy women, who were in charge of embalming the body of Jesus, which was buried in a hurry on the afternoon of Good Friday, were the first to find the resurrected messiah. “... They were the first messengers of Christ's resurrection to the Apostles themselves. The son of God appeared immediately to them, first to Peter, then to the twelve (cf. 1 Cor 15:5). Peter, called to confirm his brothers in faith, sees him before others and about his testimony is the one about which the community exclaims: “It is true! The Lord is risen and appeared to Simon!” (Lk 24:34).



Lord God,

You loved this world so much

That you gave to your only Son,

So we can also call ourselves your children.

Lord, help us to live in joy and grace.

On Easter Sunday, every day.

Let's have hearts of gratitude

For your sacrifice.

Let's have eyes that look

Your grace and joy in our salvation.

Help us to walk in that powerful grace.

And tell the world your good news.

All for your glory we pray, Lord,
