Easter: what is the origin of the tradition of getting wet on Glory Saturday

Although Gloria's Saturdays used to get wet in buckets, this action is currently punishable and if you do, you could be fined

MÉXICO, D.F., 23ABRIL2011.- Un grupo
MÉXICO, D.F., 23ABRIL2011.- Un grupo de vecinos del Centro Histórico conformados por adultos, jóvenes y niños pasaron por alto la recomendaciones de abstenerse de desperdiciar el agua en el Sábado de Gloria. La Secretaría de Seguridad Pública había señalado que las personas que fueran sorprendidas tirando el líquido serán detenidas y remitidas al Juzgado Cívico, donde se les impondrá una multa de hasta 30 días de salario mínimo, equivalentes a mil 724 pesos, o de lo contrario, un arresto inconmutable de 20 a 36 horas. FOTO: MOISÉS PABLO/CUARTOSCURO.COM

For many people, Holy Week is not just a religious commemoration, since many in their jobs are given rest days, which can go from Thursday and Friday, or all week.

That is why, in addition to the intense heat that is felt at this time of year, many people take the opportunity to go to spas or go out to different places to have fun. Holy Week commemorates the Saturday of Glory, which is this April 16. Holy Saturday is the name that some Christian denominations give to the Sabbath of the week of the first spring full moon. It is the second and a half day of the Easter Triduum, which concludes on Easter Sunday, thus culminating Holy Week for Christians.

After commemorating the day before the death of Christ on the Cross, the moment of the Resurrection is awaited. It is not granted to celebrate marriage or to administer other sacraments, except for Penance and Anointing of the Sick. In some places, during the night of Easter Vigil, the blessing of fire and water is symbolically performed.

People threw water at each other because in the Middle Ages the Catholic Church ordered that absolute mourning be kept during Holy Week, they could not even bathe, a period that ended precisely on Saturday. When this day came, people used to throw buckets of water to purify their souls and wash away their sins.


That day and during the night, the churches baptized many who wished to become Catholic faithful, but because of the large number that attended, the priests chose to wet everyone at the same time instead of using the baptismal font, throwing water at them. However, being a symbolism and due to the scarcity of water, these actions were criticized by the authorities because of the waste and the lawsuits that resulted from it.

On Glory Saturday, some people decide to get wet in the streets, squares, outside their homes. However, throwing large amounts of water is penalized in Mexico City. Next we will remember what penalty will be given to those who are surprised to waste the liquid.

According to the Law on the Right to Access, Disposal and Sanitation of Water in Mexico City, fines can range from 100 to 300 UMA, that is, between 9,600 pesos and 28,800 pesos.

It should be remembered that the UMA is the economic reference in pesos, which determines the amount of payment of obligations.


Although there is also another sanction for those who decide to throw water, since they could be arrested for a period ranging from 20 to 36 hours, as well as pay for community work with a set time of between 10 and 18 hours.

We must remember that Holy Week is part of Lent. This is a period when several people engage in worship activities. This is the most important time for the Catholic community, and it begins with Palm Sunday, continues with Holy Thursdays and Fridays, as well as Glory Saturday and ends on Resurrection Sunday.

In many parts of the country, the drama of the Passion and Death of Christ is staged, following a general script whose characters include Jesus -alive or in image-, Roman centurions, Jews and Pharisees, and the twelve apostles represented by children or young people. However, in some villages Pilate, Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary and other secondary characters are also often added.