Easter in Huánuco: get to know the typical dishes to try at this time

If you plan to travel to Huánuco this weekend, get to know some of its cuisine in a region that shares territory in the mountains and jungle of Peru.


It is already Easter and although the days are short, they are opportunities to celebrate religious festivities or go on a trip to get to know part of Peru. Citizens and tourists organize themselves to plan a weekend where you can enjoy Peruvian cuisine and even tourist spots. One of them is Huánuco, a region that shares part of the Peruvian mountains and jungle.

Huánuco is a place to take advantage of a warm climate on the following days of holidays. Not only that, but it has attractive dishes that must be tried. What are they? In this note we present 6 typical dishes of the region with varied and delicious content.

It should be noted that most of Huanuco's food is based on fish, dried meat, bananas, chifles, yuccas and corn. As well as contents of hen del monte, guinea pig, chili panca, cecina, pork and ram.


It is recognized worldwide. PromPeru mentions that it is one of the most representative and exquisite dishes of the Peruvian Andes. The name comes from the Quechua “Pacha”, which means earth or soil; and “Manca”, which means pot and refers to the “pot of earth”. Not only is it prepared in Huánuco, it is also found in Áncash, Ayacucho, Junín, Huancavelica and there are variations of seasoning according to the region.

The difference between Huanuqueña and other regions is that the seasoning is with chincho, a peculiar herb of Huánuco. In addition, lamb meat or tender piglet is used as a second option. Both can be accompanied by various tubers such as potatoes and yuccas. Take advantage of your stay in the area and try it out.



The typical dish of the Peruvian highlands that is prepared outdoors, in a kind of oven. This food can be supplemented with potatoes, beans, chicken and corn. The name of huatia comes from Quechua “wayta” and in Aymara it is known as “waja”. It is also consumed in Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.

It should be noted that it is a representative dish of Huánuco where you must combine it with chicha de jora or chicha morada. Despite this, it is part of the culture since the ancestors in the Andean region of the country that remains in force to the present day.



Spicy cheese is typical of the Churubamba district of Huánuco province. Besides, this dish is prepared every year for Easter. At first glance you would think it's vanilla ice cream or a heavy cream to accompany the corn. However, it's all cheese. This delight also contains butter, mirasol chili, garlic, onion.

A reminder is that it is accompanied with potatoes, cassava or corn. It is a nutritious and economical dish in Huánuco, perfect to order during the trip or breakfast.



Humitas are found in Lima, but what better way to get to know those in regions. For example, corn humitas are the most traditional dish in Huánuco. For its preparation, tender corn, lard, salt and cheese are needed for the salted humitas. In the case of sweet humitas, sugar is added and anise and raisins are added.



We close the list (although there is more variety) with one of the most representative typical dishes of the Peruvian sierre, and, of course, in Huánuco: the spicy cuy. Its presence in Peruvian cuisine is essential, which contains a variety of ingredients that give it that delicious and nutritious taste.

Cuy, chili panca, corn, yuccas, potatoes or peanuts are some of the components that make this dish important. Peruvians and foreigners should try it frequently during a trip to the beach or exhibition.
