Easter: find out what Easter eggs mean

Find out what the origin of the tradition of giving Easter eggs is and why it is still a practice that brings together adults and children.

chocolate egg,easter

Holy Week is a religious holiday in which the last days of Jesus' life are remembered. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday, during this day it has become traditional to give Easter eggs. However, not many what is the origin of this tradition so common in countries such as the United States and England, which has gradually spread to different territories of the world.

If you want to know what Pascual's eggs mean and what is the origin of this tradition, continue reading the following note and find out more with the information we bring you.


According to what is known, this tradition began since the abstinence of Catholics in Lent. During this period, believers could not consume various foods, including dairy and eggs. In order to keep the eggs fresh during this time, the faithful bathed them with a layer of wax and then give them away when they went to churches when Holy Week arrived.

At the same time that it became popular, more details began to be added to the eggs by giving them as a gift such as painting them in different colors or decorating them to make them look more attractive. In addition, this was also a way of celebrating that the period of abstinence was over, so they began to be taken as a symbol of life and fertility among believers as well.


In several countries it has become customary to give chocolate Easter eggs during Holy Week giving them the meaning of renewal and life. This is because the word Easter means 'new life', since just at the end of this week the resurrection of Jesus after being crucified is celebrated.

In addition, in the countries located in the northern hemisphere this holiday coincides with the spring season, during which the weather starts to get warmer, so different animals and plants begin to reproduce creating new life in nature.


Holy Monday - 11 April

The messiah expels vendors and merchants from the Jerusalem Temple because they used space as a place of enrichment and not of praise.

Holy Tuesday - 12 April

The day when Jesus meets with his disciples and talks to them about the betrayal of Judas and the denials of St. Peter surprising everyone.

Holy Wednesday - 13 April

Judas Iscariot betrays Christ in exchange for 30 silver coins.

Holy Thursday - April 14

Day of the last supper with his disciples. After this one they arrest Jesus.

Good Friday - April 15

It is the day when the messiah enters prison, and then attaches a crown of thorns to him and make him carry his cross. Finally, they crucify him and bury him

Holy Saturday - April 16

It is also known as Glory Sabbath, because despite being a day of mourning it is also considered one of hope by placing special emphasis on the reminder that Jesus will rise again the next day.

Resurrection Sunday - April 17

Jesus is resurrected on the third day just as he had said. The first to see it are Mary Magdalene, John and Mary Mother of James.