Black Eagles threatened senators of the Comunes party, social leaders and members of the 'front line'

They ruled that they will “end” several political figures related to the progressive current in Colombia, such as the followers of presidential candidate Gustavo Petro

En la imagen los integrantes del partido político Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria de Común (FARC), desde la izquierda: Pastor Alape, Sandra Ramírez, Rodrigo Granda, Pablo Catatumbo, Rodrigo Londoño y Carlos Antonio Lozada, asisten a una rueda de prensa este martes, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda/Archivo
En la imagen los integrantes del partido político Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria de Común (FARC), desde la izquierda: Pastor Alape, Sandra Ramírez, Rodrigo Granda, Pablo Catatumbo, Rodrigo Londoño y Carlos Antonio Lozada, asisten a una rueda de prensa este martes, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda/Archivo

A very serious complaint was made in the morning of this Saturday, April 16. These are new threats that the criminal structure Águilas Negras made against members of the so-called 'frontline', social leaders and signatories of the peace agreement with the FARC and who today serve as senators of the Republic.

According to a pamphlet released by Comunes Party Senator Sandra Ramírez, the so-called Capital Block of the armed group announces that it already has identified several characters whom they accuse of “playing to save the country”.

The text assures that they will make social leaders “fall” and, with words of great caliber, they name those threatened one by one as the aliases with which, supposedly, several members of the 'front line', the social group that became known during the protests of the national strike in 2021, are allegedly identified.

Some of the threatened characters are from Bogotá, Cali and Medellín, who they say they are “kept on the left”. Among them, the pamphlet says, are human rights defenders and “guerrillas from the Carlos Patiño front of the western coordinating command of the Bolivarian Movement guerrilla who are in Bogotá,” the alleged criminals point out.

Along these lines, they proceeded to threaten Senators Julián Gallo (known as Carlos Antonio Lozada), Sandra Ramírez, Pablo Catatumbo, among others. All of them are signatories of the Colombian Government's peace agreement with the FARC; they left their arms and received their seats after signing at the Teatro Colón.

The Black Eagles ended the document by stating that “the time has come to end the left full of ñeros, communists, guerrillas and a game of kept people”, they concluded.

The document was disseminated by Congresswoman Sandra Ramírez through her Twitter account, where she asked the national government and the authorities to take action to protect her life and that of her fellow political party members. “We demand that Iván Duque, MinDefence Diego Molano, MinInterior Daniel Palacios and the Attorney General's Office address these events that put our political participation at risk. The enemies of peace will NOT pass by,” the senator said on her Twitter profile.


It is worth remembering that the so-called Black Eagles have also launched other threats against figures of progressivism in Colombia. Francia Márquez, vice-presidential candidate of the Historical Pact, has been denouncing death threats from the self-described Black Eagles; she recently issued a new alert about an intimidating pamphlet against her, which she posted on her social networks.

Alongside her, candidates elected to Congress Alirio Uribe, Gloria Flórez, Ariel Ávila and Jahel Quiroga were also threatened; current congressmen Maria José Pizarro, Iván Cepeda, Gustavo Bolivar, Victoria Sandino, Carlos Antonio Lozada; and other personalities such as Rodrigo Londoño (Timochenko), Hollman Morris, members of the First Lines, among others.

“We have been warning him and the time has come for Colombia as a whole to realize that the Chavista drug guerrilla is about to come to power at the head of alias el cacas and with whom we have said he is an ELN militant, the black hijueputa of Francia Márquez,” says the poster of the Black Eagles of the Capital Block, which he shared on his networks social the environmental leader.

