At what time did Jesus die and what happened during his death on the cross?

Christ's life on earth culminated in the hands of Roman soldiers who mocked him to save himself while he was dying on the cross.

Holy Week is the most important liturgical time for the Catholic Church. In this period of reflection, in which believers take refuge, the passages that make up the life, passion and death of Jesus, the son of God who was conceived by “work and graces of the holy spirit” through Mary, his mother. Among the curious facts that he leaves us these days are issues related to the time of his death, which due to the time in which the events took place, it is not so precise to define it.

To put an end to this culture and outline what might have happened, the National Catholic Register published an official article, written by Jimmy Akin, in which he describes some clues to accurately determine the time when Christ died on the cross, wearing a crown of thorns and a sign that said “Inri”.


- The narrator mentions that in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke it is recorded that Jesus died around “the ninth hour”, which if we describe him at the present time, would be around 3:00 p.m.

“This allows us to reduce the time of Jesus' death to a very specific point in history: around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 3, A.D. 33.” , he commented.

- According to Juan, on the morning of Good Friday “the Jewish authorities had not yet eaten the Easter dinner”. This figure defines that, of the eight years between 29 and 36 AD, only in two years the beginning of Easter was celebrated on a Friday. These dates were Friday, April 7, 30 A.D., and Friday, April 3, A.D. 33.

Interesting facts about Holy Week: What happened to the cross where Jesus died crucified?

- Akin recalled that the Gospels coincide that Jesus was crucified on a Friday, before the Sabbath that was before the first date of the week. He needs this information because it is known as 'the day of preparation', the date on which the Jews made preparations for the Sabbath. They cooked beforehand and in the afternoon of the day.

- The specialist is responsible for mentioning that “the four gospels agree that Jesus was crucified by order of Pontius Pilate”, who served as governor of Judea from 26 to 36 AD, reducing the rank by 8 years.


When Jesus was dying on the cross, he emitted sacred words that became his last message before leaving his earthly body. This is what he said while his mother watched him lose his life:

Father, forgive them because they don't know what they're doing - Luke 12:34.

Today you will be with me in paradise - Luke, 23:43.

Woman, there's your son. Son, behold your mother - John, 19:26-27.

My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? - Mark, 15:34.

Everything is finished - John, 19:30.

Father, into your hands I commend my spirit - Luke, 23:46.

When the apostles managed to convince the tribune to hand over the body to them so that they can place it in a tomb, their remains were wrapped in a cloth, which over the years took the name of the sacred mantle or holy shroud of Turin.