What did Jesus say before he died on the cross? These are the 7 sacred words

According to ancient scriptures, Jesus' earthly life culminated in the eyes of his mother, who witnessed the physical injury and pain he suffered on the cross.




Through the Bible or the film adaptations that have been made, people have been able to get closer to what Jesus experienced when he was sent to earth by the creator of everything. The Gospels have become the main records that allow us to unite passages of history that formed what we now know as Catholicism. This is how we discover what happened during his childhood, adulthood and his death, which is known as the passion of Christ.

It is in the last stage of his earthly life that he experienced one of the most painful moments after he was stalked by the Romans, being the victim of a series of physical attacks and refusing to receive basic necessities, such as water. In a few garments and without anyone being able to help him, he reached Golgotha - a place that was near the outside of the walls of Jerusalem - where he was crucified and wounded in various areas of his body while he was dying.

With what little strength he had, the son of God uttered 7 words before he died on the cross. These were part of messages for believers who came to the place. At the top, Jesus was accompanied by two thieves, one who mocked him and challenged him to be saved with a miracle; while the other accepted his fate and asked him to remember him when he came to his kingdom.

Son siete palabras, siete cortas frases que nos hace falta meditar para conocer quién era Jesús y cuál era el sentido de su muerte.
Son siete palabras, siete cortas frases que nos hace falta meditar para conocer quién era Jesús y cuál era el sentido de su muerte.Hugo Martin


His last message was divided into three times: before, during and after the hours of darkness experienced by his crucifixion, a painful act that was seen by his mother, Mary.


First word: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

Second word: “... Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43).

Third word: “Woman, behold your son” and “Behold your mother” (John 19:26, 27).


Fourth word: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34).


Fifth word: “I am thirsty” (John 19:28).

Sixth word: “It is finished” (John 19:30).

Seventh word: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46).

The son of God gave his life for men and rose again on the third day, fulfilling his word spoken before his apostles. Credits: Tiktok


According to Matthew 16:21 NIV, the messiah already knew what his end would be in man's life. It is for this reason that he revealed to his disciples that he should go to Jerusalem and suffer many things because of persecution. He indicated that it was necessary to take his life, but that he was going to rise again on the third day. Although his companions did not understand why he gave them that warning, they remembered what he said when he was on the cross.

When he was taken to a tomb that was prepared for his body to rest, the Roman power feared that the rumor of his resurrection would be true. It is for this reason that they decided to seal the tomb, thus preventing anyone from trying to steal his body. He fulfilled what he said to his followers, and so when they alerted that they had violated that space, they only found a cloth that wrapped it, which was classified as the sacred mantle.

According to the narrative, Jesus was seen by more than 500 people at the same time and in different places. It is even known that a tribune, a soldier of that time, began a journey to find the body that was allegedly stolen. According to the scriptures, he did not find it, since the son of God was alive and evangelizing in the company of his disciples.

This version, from the eyes of a Roman, served as the inspiration for the filming of the film “The Resurrection of Christ”, which stars Joseph Fiennes (passionate Shakespeare) and Tom Felton (Harry Potter). This tape is available on Netflix.


