Step by step to get the duplicate of the car and motorcycle driving license

The procedure has a different cost for car and motorcycle. It must be made by appointment at the Single Service Window (VUS)


A driver's license is one of the most important documents that citizens can carry between their wallets, backpacks and wallets, which is likely to be lost for any reason or because of their belongings being stolen.

The situation when it comes to losing the papers is tedious for many, not only because of what it implies economically to recover them or remove their respective duplicates, but also because of the time it takes to complete the procedure and get all the papers back in order.

This document is one of the most issued in Colombia in the year, due to the increase in the vehicle fleet, which reached 17 million vehicles during 2021, although motorcycle licenses are the most frequent procedure. In 2021, 10 million motorcycles hit the national roads, according to the Single National Traffic Register (RUNT).

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However, how can the procedure be done to obtain the duplicate license for a car or motorcycle? You just have to follow these steps:

- First note that the cost of this procedure is $158,700 in the case of cars. As for motorcycles, this duplicate counts $126,100.

- The process is no longer carried out in the (SIM) Integral Mobility Systems, but in the Single Service Windows. There you must arrive to request an appointment with your identity document in hand. It should be clarified that like any other public document, you must make the respective report of loss to the National Police and have such a certificate of the complaint.

- In addition, you must have the documents in order in terms of mobility, for example, be up to date with the SOAT, as well as with the payment of previously filed infringements. It is also essential to be registered in the RUNT.

- On the website of the (VUS) Single Window of Services it will be essential to complete each of the steps requested in the registration with this entity. Once you are registered, you can proceed to find a date to do the procedure by looking for a date that suits your time, and then file the documentation you request there and to complete the first steps to pay the procedure fees.

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The cost of the procedure varies for motorcycles, with 126,100 being the amount to be paid for this 2022, while for cars it is 158,700. The document issued will be a copy of your original driver's license. The recommendation is to avoid driving without having at hand the document that accredits you as a driver before the authorities, since you would incur a traffic violation that would comprise 8 SMLDV, that is, an economic amount of approximately 266,000 pesos.