Police officers clashed with suspected Gulf Cartel hit men in Tamasopo

The authorities secured long arms and tactical equipment and various armored vehicles, which were placed at the disposal of the appropriate authorities

On the afternoon of Wednesday, April 13, suspected Gulf Cartel hit men clashed with soldiers in Tamasopo, San Luis Potosí, resulting in the killing of two armed civilians and the securing of weapons, vehicles and tactical equipment.

The attack occurred around 3 pm on the free highway Valles-Rioverde, where subjects aboard an armored vehicle attacked state police at the El Chino ejido and the Damián Carmona delegation, to which uniformed personnel responded in the same way.

After the exchange of fire, two armed civilians were reported killed, while two uniformed men were injured that did not endanger their lives; elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) and the National Guard (NG) went to the scene to implement a security operation and try to give with the aggressors.

Thanks to reconnaissance work, the federal security forces managed to find the whereabouts of four vehicles allegedly linked to the events, which were armored and contained four R-15 rifles, two AK-47s, one Barret .50 caliber, and magazines of various calibers, as well as six tactical vests.

The vehicles found were a Cadillac Escalade van, with artisanal armor; a Chevrolet Silverado; a Ford Expedition and a Nissan Sentra sedan, which were placed at the disposal of the Attorney General's Office (FGR), which will carry out the corresponding investigations in the case.

On January 11, elements of the San Luis Potosí State Police were victims of an armed attack in the same entity, which resulted in the death of one uniformed man, and another was taken to a hospital because he was injured.

The entity's Ministry of Public Security confirmed that Martín Vallez, a uniformed man attached to Ciudad Valles, lost his life there due to gunshot injuries, while Juan José Medina Vázquez was the one who was injured and later taken to a nearby hospital.

According to information published by local media, the events took place around 18:30 hours, when a group of armed civilians arrived at the facilities of the state SSP and opened fire on the uniformed.

For its part, the Attorney General's Office of the State of San Luis Potosí (FGE) reported that it is already dealing with the case, since it immediately implemented a security operation in the area to collect evidence and integrate the investigation folder corresponding to the incident.

On April 7, there was a confrontation between alleged members of rival criminal gangs in the municipality of Villa Juárez, which resulted in two alleged hit men gunned down on the spot.

The bodies of the alleged hit men who were killed were left lifeless on the asphalt tape of a stretch of highway in the area, where high-caliber weapons and two Honda CRV trucks were found.

According to the authorities, the violent event could have resulted in a dispute over the territory, since it is located in a strategic area of the state, since it connects entities such as Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Hidalgo, Queretaro, Guanajuato and Zacatecas.

Authorities did not specify which criminal cells are involved, but in the region the same dispute territory is the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, Zetas Vieja Escuela and remnants of the Gulf Cartel, known as los Alemanes, according to reports from the Mexican Navy Secretariat.