Pedro Infante 65 years after his death: due to pandemic commemoration is canceled in the Garden pantheon

Lupita Infante Torrentera announced in a statement that for the third consecutive year the traditional luctuoso event will not be able to take place


This April 15 will mark the 65th anniversary of the death of Pedro Infante, who to date is still considered one of the greatest idols of the national and Latin American artistic scene, consolidating himself as the prototype of Mexican man thanks to his prolific participation in the films of the golden age of cinema.

The remains of the emblematic actor rest in the Garden Pantheon in Mexico City, where for the third consecutive year a commemorative event in honor of the “idol of Guamúchil” will not be held.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the mourning event will again be suspended in the cemetery where his grave is located. It was his daughter Lupita Infante who through a press release indicated that it is necessary to continue preventive measures, so there will be a moment later to remember the man, owner of the voice famous for topics such as Love Heart and 100 years.


“Dear friends, with great effort we are managing to fight this pandemic, unfortunately many people are no longer with us. Without a doubt, in all families we have suffered and for this reason, with the intention of continuing to take care of ourselves, we inform them that we will not be able to be together this 65th anniversary of our beloved Pedro Infante Cruz, but we promise you that next year we will do something wonderful and unforgettable”, the statement reads.

Lupita hoped that the current situation would bring closer together when the postponed tribute could be held in 2023.

Infante Torrentera thanked the public for the affection of the late actor and for the family of the man who fought several plane crashes until on April 15, 1957 one claimed his life, when at about eight in the morning the plane he was flying fell on a popular neighborhood in Mérida.


We hope that this situation will allow us to reunite with the love of always, the love of so many years together, the love of one generation after another. Thank you, with all my heart, kisses and blessings. Lupita Infante Torrentera”, ended.

Faced with this, some followers of the singer reacted negatively and expressed their dissatisfaction with the family's decision: “With all due respect, Mrs. Lupita, this year it could have been done, but you are letting go of a tradition of many years, but in my humble opinion, I think that this year should have already been done”, “Well, we were so eager to continue honoring Pedrito's legacy”, “They would have better put a prudent limit on the entry of people with limited space because in Mexico City we are already at the green light, when there is a desire, you can”, are some comments that can be read on the subject.

This will be the third consecutive year that the public will not be able to remember the star of the Mexican song, and in 2019 the last commemorative event was held, attended by more than 500 people. Already by 2020, following the orders of the authorities who did not allow mass gatherings, the traditional event was canceled.


It is usual in this luctuous event that has been taking place for six decades the harvest of cups, glasses, key rings, photographs, t-shirts, records, books, movies and all kinds of items alluding to Pedro, as well as food stalls, soft drinks, sweets, and even some mass with mariachi music.

Pedro Infante left a filmography of more than 50 feature films, including the trilogy of We the Poor, You the Rich and Now I Am Rich, as well as Tizoc, a film for which he posthumously won the Berlin Bear for Best Actor.

In Mexico, he was awarded on one occasion with the Ariel awarded by the Mexican Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, for his work in Life is Not Worth Nothing.

