Otitis and bad breath in dogs: two symptoms that if not treated in time can cause problems in the future

It happens often in our dogs. Two specialists explain what to do to take care of our pets


Considering that there are an estimated 15 million dogs in Argentina, according to official data from the Argentine Chamber of Animal Nutrition Companies (CAENA), we are among the 10 countries with the highest dog population in the world.

That is why it is important to take care of their health not only for their well-being but also for the well-being of the people who live with them. This implies taking into account a number of responsibilities for tenure, assistance and care that families must give them. It is important to visit the vet on a regular basis to avoid diseases that may affect your health.


One of them is otitis. A disease that causes inflammation of the dog's outer ear (the eardrum and, sometimes, the entire ear canal). It is painful for the animal and very annoying. Although spring and summer are times of greatest incidence due to the presence of elements suspended in the air, the truth is that otitis can occur at any time of the year.

“It is important to treat it quickly to prevent a major infection from occurring or becoming chronic. It is one of the 10 most frequent causes of visits to the vet,” said José Luis Fernández, Manager of the Companion Animals Line of Biogenesis Bagó.


Dr. Margarita Repetto, a veterinarian specializing in complementary medicines, told Infobae: “Otitis in dogs is one of the most common diseases and, in many cases, one of the most unnoticed by owners.”

He continued: “There are certain reasons that can cause otitis: parasites such as mites, different types of allergies, foreign bodies in the ear or hormonal disorders. It can also be caused by problems in the usual production of keratin or by the presence of polyps or tumors in the dog's ear canal. As well as the high production of earwax or the abundance of hair in the ear canal, as well as excessive or incorrect cleaning.

For the specialist it is important to be attentive to these symptoms and they are hardly detected to take the pet to a veterinarian, since otitis that occurs repeatedly or without treatment, can cause deafness. “For people who come to my office, I always recommend maintaining a weekly ear cleaning routine,” he said.

Bad breath

On the other hand, the problem of bad breath is also a reason for consultation and displeasure and embarrassment for families and their guests; especially from April to September, when pets spend the longest time inside homes. If not treated in time, it can cause infection even in the dog's muzzle.

“The process of accumulation of tartar in dogs is complicated as it accumulates in the teeth, becomes like a sharp edge and begins to cut the gum. Then there is an infection that, if left untreated, can cause tooth loss and make it difficult to feed. That's why I recommend using a mouthwash that prevents possible infection,” Fernández said. This measure, consequently, improves the quality of breath.

That is why the veterinarian recommends acquiring the mouthwash in the veterinarians and putting it in the water that the dog drinks daily to prevent this from always happening under the supervision of a veterinarian.


Repetto says of bad breath: “In general, it is a symptom of tartar buildup on the teeth. This buildup of tartar can cause inflammation in the gums and — if not treated in time — can trigger not only oral infections but also in digestive disorders and even affect organs such as the kidneys. Once the symptom is detected, it is important to go to a veterinary consultation to determine the source of the problem and a correct course of action.”

