More than 300 accidents have occurred this Holy Week throughout Colombia

These events have left nearly 50 people dead and at least 400 injured

27/03/2021 Ambulancia en Colombia

Holy Week becomes one of the most important times for tourism nationwide, within the framework of this season a large number of Colombians seek to leave their cities to share with their families and even return to their places of origin. However, these activities are often marred as accidents on the roads become the protagonist due to different factors.

Within the framework of this festive bridge, more than 300 accidents have been recorded throughout the country, one with greater magnitude than others. However, according to the authorities, the rate has fallen compared to the previous year, as it fell by 11%, as El Tiempo could see.

The preliminary allows the death of more than 50 people to be recorded in different settings of the country. The most relevant events so far allow us to record that a van type vehicle fell to the cliff on the road that connects Medellín with Quibdo, in which three people were killed while ten were injured. At the same time, on the road that leads from Bogotá to the Atlantic Coast, five members of a family died in a major accident, while a child under the age of eight was the only survivor.

Also, on 10 April, a ladder truck fell into the Barroso River at the height of Salgar, in Antioquia: two people were killed while at least 20 were injured by the heavy blow produced after the accident. The most recent event occurred at kilometer 138 of the El Ermitaño-La Lizama highway, Pozo Nutria sector, in Barrancabermeja, Santander, when a private vehicle collided with a truck, as a result of the regrettable event, three people lost their lives, including two women and one man.

According to the newspaper El Tiempo, nearly 400 people have been affected after these regrettable events. The main causes of accidents have to do with recklessness behind the wheel and speeding, since drivers, in their desire to arrive at their destination soon, seek to accelerate their vehicles, likewise, lack of expertise becomes a key factor in these cases.

Due to the high number of Colombians who take advantage of Holy Week to take holidays, local and national authorities have made various recommendations to ensure safety and avoid setbacks.

Motor magazine compiled some of those tips that road travellers should keep in mind.

1. Plan the route of the trip: it is recommended to review the route you will take before starting the trip and thus establish whether or not there are any mobility problems at any point along the route. Plus, you can make sure you know exactly how many tolls and where you need to pay them.

2. Check vehicle conditions: it is important to check tires (including spare ones), the functioning of the engine cooling system, lights, mirrors, brakes, seat belts, and other items that, if not in optimal condition, could cause some type of accident.

3. Road kit: These elements cannot be missing in any vehicle that moves on the country's roads, so to avoid penalties and even to have at hand what is necessary in the event of an accident, it is necessary to carry the complete kit.

4. Do not exceed driving time: the authorities recommend proper rest for the person who will be driving during the trip. It is recommended not to drive for more than eight or ten hours.

5. As is common, the authorities recommend keeping your vehicle documents up to date and not driving under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances.

