“It's not an issue I know 100,” said Deputy Federica Quijano of Kabah about the Electricity Reform

The deputy, an affiliate of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, said via Twitter that she has attended more than 100 forums on the Electricity Reform and that despite this she is not sure of her vote

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 15FEBRERO2022.- Se llevó a cabo la Sesión Ordinaria en la Cámara de Diputados. FOTO: GRACIELA LÓPEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Federica Quijano, a famous member of the Kabah group and deputy for Yucatan, was questioned via Twitter about her participation in the Electricity Reform vote. The official confirmed her attendance, said that although it has been reported in multiple forums it is not a topic that she knows completely, so she will attend to hear all the arguments and make the decision that seems correct, aware that she will receive criticism no matter what she decides.

Through a tweet he said: “I never hide, I have never done it, I will be there and I will listen to everything that has to be said and explained. It is not a topic that I know 100% for as much as I have been in almost 100 forums, there are those who agree and who do not and yet it will always be bad with someone”.

This is after a user posted: “Deputy @Federicaq on Tuesday 12 is the opportunity to demonstrate with actions how much love she has for Yucatan. Don't miss it, but I will ask you to vote conscientiously and freely.”


The deputy added that she has always been an honorable woman and that she will decide based on what she considers best for her family. Thus, through a second message he replied:

Anything you do good or bad will always be judged. I have always been irreverent, I have always been honorable and my only law is and will be my children what is best for them will be my decision. In the end, everything I've been working on because of disability ends up in a drawer.”


Quijano, who was a member of the music group Kabah and recently opened an art exhibition in favor of autism, lamented that his work on disability and mental health in Mexico ended up being overshadowed by allegations made against him because of his political stance.

All my achievements in mental health and autism will always be tarnished by moments like these where everyone has their finger pointing at me. I will do what I think is right, I am 50 years old and I have much more to do.”

However, she noted that she will always be willing to listen and read everyone's opinions, advice and messages, as well as answer questions. He finally reaffirmed that his children are his “only law” and that what he decides will be in their favor.


It is worth mentioning that the deputy and singer is part of one of the political parties that are members of the Juntos Haramos Historia Coalition, formed by the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), the Labour Party and National Regeneration Movement (Morena), to which López Obrador belongs. Together they have 278 federal deputies, while the opposition, the Coalition Goes for Mexico, has 199 spaces in the San Lazaro Congress.

In order for the Electricity Reform to be approved and thereby amend the Mexican Constitution, it is necessary that the initiative has at least 334 votes in favor, of which 56 must be from the opponents . Recently, Carlos Aysa, member of the PRI, said that next Sunday he will support the reform for which 4Q deputies applauded his “patriotic conviction”.

Because the votes of politicians who oppose the electricity initiative could disfavor the government's plans in turn, AMLO announced the plan B in case the reform is not adopted.