How did Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus, die?

Throughout history, the apostle Judas Iscariot has been identified as the man who betrayed Jesus, the son of God. But why did he do it and what did he receive in return?


Among the biblical characters of Holy Week stands out that of Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed and handed Jesus over to be tortured to death. According to the pages of the Bible, this man was part of the close circle of the son of God, but he did not receive the title of saint. Its name is related to negative definitions, such as greed, deception and falsehood. His representation as such has gained popularity that in many Latin American countries they burn his dolls on certain holidays.

About him it is known that he was one of the 12 apostles who were chosen to be able to preach in the world. This was a key piece for the Jewish authorities to find the messiah to be killed and not to leave any possibility open for him to become king. What about his family? The stories give no further information, except that he was Simon's son.

What does Iscariot mean? Its origin comes from Kariot, a village south of Judea, where this character was born. According to other versions, it is associated with the tribe of Issachar or the Greek term 'sicarius' (assassin). The importance he had in the group of faithful led him to be appointed as the treasurer, a title that he did not fulfill morally, since he took advantage of it to steal the money they collected.


This apostle appeared before the chief priests with the sole purpose of asking how much money he could earn if he revealed to them the exact direction in which Jesus Christ was. According to what is specified in the Gospel of Matthew, they promised to give him 30 silver coins. Knowing this information, he sought the opportunity to hand it over without his companions discovering it, since everyone walked together and only separated when Jesus instructed them to perform certain activities.

What happened at the last supper? This is one of the most important moments, as it marks the beginning of the series of tortures to which the son of God was subjected. All the apostles gathered to listen to the revelations of the messiah. This is how he announces that Judas was going to betray him, but he did not show any kind of hatred towards him because he knew it was part of his mission in this earthly life.

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While the elect were dining, Iscariot arrived in the company of soldiers to the place where Christ was praying. Dodging the torches, he approaches and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Over time, this act became the ultimate example of treason.

Judas Iscariot is usually remembered for only one thing: his betrayal of Jesus. Credits: Tiktok video.


Ancient accounts maintain that he could not cope with the guilt and tried to return the coins he received for giving to Jesus. It is at this point that two versions of what happened to him are presented:

The Gospel of Matthew indicates that when he learned that his teacher was condemned to death, remorse did not let him sleep, so he made the decision to return what he received to the Jewish priests and chiefs, since he considered that he had fallen into sin. They didn't care how they felt and ignored their presence. Unable to reverse what he did, he left and hung himself.

On the other hand, the book of the Acts of the Apostles tells us from Peter's point of view. He mentions that with coins he bought a field, and in solitude, “he threw himself upside down, his body burst and his bowels were scattered” (Acts 1:18) .The scene of his suicide was known as Hakeldamah or field of blood.