Holy Week: Organ Donation of Deceased Young Man Saves Six People's Lives

Family gave up heart, liver, kidneys and corneas of their 33-year-old loved one.


As part of the long holiday of Easter, a 33-year-old boy saved the lives of six people suffering from serious illnesses. According to EsSalud, he died of severe brain injury after an accident, so his family decided to donate the heart, liver, kidneys and corneas of his loved to be transplanted to patients who need these organs to continue living.

The donor's heart was transplanted to a 35-year-old woman suffering from a serious heart condition that put her on the brink of death. The complex operation was carried out by specialists from the National Cardiovascular Institute (INCOR).

Meanwhile, one of his kidneys was referred to the Guillermo Almenara hospital, where doctors from the Transplant Department implanted the organ in a patient, who was diagnosed with chronic renal failure a long time ago and his life depended on a dialysis machine.

At this same Social Security hospital, another group of specialists transplanted the liver of the 33-year-old donor to another patient suffering from a serious liver disease that put his life at risk.

Finally, the young man's other kidney and corneas were transferred to the National Institute of Child Health where they were transplanted into pediatric patients, which will help them survive and develop their lives.


The manager of Procurement and Transplantation at EsSalud, Mary Diaz, thanked the family of the deceased young man for the multiple organ donation that made it possible for others to stay alive.

“A special thanks to the donor's family who, in a very supportive gesture, allows their loved one to remain alive and others who were on the waiting list, he said.

Dr. Mary Díaz emphasized that nearly 4,000 patients are waiting for organ donation in EsSalud hospitals, so she called on the population to join this altruistic act that saves lives.

“Donating organs saves lives. One donor can save the lives of up to 9 people. That is why it is important that citizens decide to donate their organs and that this decision is recorded on their DNI. We need the generosity and solidarity of the population. Without donors there are no transplants,” he stressed.


76% of Peruvians, or 24 million people, are not willing to donate their organs and this has been recorded on their National Identity Document (DNI).

This information was provided, a few weeks ago, by Dr. David Gálvez, president of the Heart Transplantation Committee of the National Heart Institute (INCOR), of EsSalud, stating that awareness campaigns are needed to shorten the figure mentioned.

He recalled that a person can change this will when he renews his ID. There you will have the option, free of charge, to indicate that you want to be a donor. This decision must be communicated to the family so that, when the time comes, they respect the decision and authorize organ donation.

Gálvez said that, throughout Peru, about seven thousand people are waiting to receive an organ transplant. “It is the responsibility of the authorities to sensitize society about organ donation,” he said in the Andina al Día program.

The organs and tissues most in transplants are the kidneys and corneas, followed by the liver and heart. The latter, he said, cannot wait long.

