Woman dies who stuck a knife in the middle of a family argument

The fight would have arisen because of money problems. His son said he had no remorse for what happened. Authorities advance investigation of the case


On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 12, a mother and her son were arguing over money issues. On 20th Street with Carrera 26 in the Eastern neighborhood of the municipality of Soledad, Atlántico, Rocío De Alba Orozco and Ricardo Querale De Alba were recriminating each other. At the height of the discussion, the woman went out to the kitchen, found a knife and stuck it in the right side of her abdomen.

Despite the fact that the relatives, upon seeing her injured, helped her and took her to the IPS Cediac in the municipality of Soledad, doctors reported that the 50-year-old woman died while undergoing surgery.

The Barranquilla Metropolitan Police launched an investigation to clarify this death, which has shocked the inhabitants of the Eastern neighborhood of Soledad. His body, for the time being, is in Legal Medicine awaiting the course of research.

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“The relatives of the deceased say that at approximately 12:20 noon she has a quarrel with her son over money, at which time the lady makes the decision to grab a kitchen knife and injure herself in the abdomen,” said the preliminary report of the Police.

Speaking to the local portal Zona Cero, Ricardo Querale De Alba, said he has no regret that his mother took her own life at the time when they were arguing at her residence. He assured that problems between the two became frequent in recent times. The pandemic, he said, caused a lot of problems in his home. “It wasn't the first time he tried to take his own life,” he told the media outlet.

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I thought he was going to put the knife on me and I ran away. It was at that moment that she embedded it, said Rocío's eldest son.

The reason for the fight would have been the rent payments and a new refrigerator. Ricardo, who was present at the time of his mother's death, told the Barranquillero portal, that he has witnesses who can verify what happened on Tuesday afternoon at his home. I even have as a witness to the man who was fixing the refrigerator who can say that it was as I am telling it,” he said.

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The young man assured that the words began to rise in tone and aggressiveness, his mother could not stand the anger and killed herself. “She had been with sequels for several years. I didn't live quietly in the house, I had several family problems, financial debts, I couldn't get a job, I wasn't currently happy with the couple I had either,” he said.

Rocío was a housewife and before the pandemic she was cleaning a school near her residence. The statements of the son and witnesses of the incident are being analyzed by the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation as one of the hypotheses of the case; however, the police are conducting investigations into what happened.

