With the release of a song, this is how Jhon Álex Castaño celebrated his birthday

The singer of popular music goes around the sun every April 13 and, on this occasion, celebrated his 41 years of life


During this April there are several figures in the national entertainment industry who bear the title of birthday boys, one of these celebrities is Jhon Alex Castaño. The singer of popular music goes around the sun every April 13 and, on this occasion, celebrated his 41-year anniversary.

On his social networks, the interpreter of 'I have it all' was making some posts with which he reported on how he celebrated his birth. To begin with, he posted a video about the surprise — with mariachi — that his partner, Jenny Alexandra Suárez, did for him. In turn, the risaraldensian wrote in the caption of the post: “Happy birthday to me. This is how my #41 birthday begins with a big surprise.”

Beyond the gifts and messages of congratulations that the popular singer surely received from his friends, family, partner and followers, Castaño wanted to celebrate with music. Hence, the release of a song.

“On this date I have a gift for you, I wrote a birthday song that reflects everything that I like to live in a celebration; good wishes, party, gifts, family and suck...”, was what the singer wrote in another post on his Instagram account.


This is how he released the song that bears the name 'Happy birthday', which was released in conjunction with his music video. In these hours, this audiovisual piece is going through 13 thousand views, but it is a matter of time before the views increase to millions as with other video clips of the risaraldense. In addition, the theme will most certainly become the anthem of the birthday parties of more than one fan of the artist.

Needless to say, when you see among the comments on his Instagram posts, apart from the affectionate words of his audience, there are also messages of congratulations from some colleagues, for example, from Arelys Henao, who like Castaño also dedicates himself to popular music. “Happy birthday my negro, God bless you”, were the words of the singer.

For these first few weeks of the month, Jessica Cediel also celebrated her birthday, she does so every fourth of April. Similarly, on the same date Carolina Gaitán turned her birthday, who works artistically as an actress and singer.

Later, last Tuesday, April 5th, Violeta Bergonzi was the one who took the title of birthday girl, and a couple of days later that title went to actress Ana María Estupiñán, that is, she turned seven of the same month.

In the most recent days, this Tuesday, April 12, it was actress and presenter Maleja Restrepo who celebrated her birthday, her celebration was held on the beach together with her two daughters, her sister and other relatives. Her husband, Tatán Mejia, was unable to make an appearance on her trip apparently due to work issues.

