What are the fines for wasting water in CDMX during Easter

In the Catholic Church, it is customary to throw water on Glory Saturday, however, the Government of Mexico City asked people not to waste the liquid

MÉXICO, D.F., 23ABRIL2011.- Un grupo de vecinos del Centro Histórico conformados por adultos, jóvenes y niños pasaron por alto la recomendaciones de abstenerse de desperdiciar el agua en el Sábado de Gloria. La Secretaría de Seguridad Pública había señalado que las personas que fueran sorprendidas tirando el líquido serán detenidas y remitidas al Juzgado Cívico, donde se les impondrá una multa de hasta 30 días de salario mínimo, equivalentes a mil 724 pesos, o de lo contrario, un arresto inconmutable de 20 a 36 horas.
MÉXICO, D.F., 23ABRIL2011.- Un grupo de vecinos del Centro Histórico conformados por adultos, jóvenes y niños pasaron por alto la recomendaciones de abstenerse de desperdiciar el agua en el Sábado de Gloria. La Secretaría de Seguridad Pública había señalado que las personas que fueran sorprendidas tirando el líquido serán detenidas y remitidas al Juzgado Cívico, donde se les impondrá una multa de hasta 30 días de salario mínimo, equivalentes a mil 724 pesos, o de lo contrario, un arresto inconmutable de 20 a 36 horas. FOTO: MOISÉS PABLO/CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Government of Mexico City and the Mexico City Water System (Sacmex) called on the population not to waste water during Easter, especially the Glory Saturday and avoid fines for this very thing.

According to the Catholic Church, it is customary to throw water in jubilation celebrating the resurrection of Christ and the cleansing of sins the day before Easter, so large amounts of water are wasted every year, which is why the Government of Mexico City and various states have banned this action in addition to providing fines for those who do so.


According to the Law on the Right to Access, Disposal and Sanitation of Water of the CDMX, and the Civic Culture Act of Mexico City in its article 29 section VIII: “Waste water or prevent its use by those who must have access to it in pipes, tanks or storage tanks, as well as misuse public hydrants, obstruct them or prevent their use”, those who carry out such acts may be punished.

Sanctions are established such as fines ranging from 1,58 pesos to 3,848 pesos. In addition to the fact that the institutions claimed that those who waste water can be arrested for 13 to 24 hours or be assigned to community work for 6 to 12 hours.

Recommendations for taking care of water were shared through the social networks of the Mexico City Water System, such as: taking short baths, not using the hose to wash the car or sidewalks, water the plants at night for better use and only once a week, reuse soapy water.


Clean floors, walls and glass with two buckets, one for cleaning and the other for rinsing, as well as not abusing cleaning products; wash vegetables in a bowl of water, scrub them with your fingers or a brush and disinfect them, in addition, that water can be reused for the toilet and for watering plants.

Similarly, the institution asked the population going on vacation not to forget to close their keys tightly and check that there are no leaks, if so, it invited people to report them.

The Executive Directorate of Civic Justice commented in a tweet: “Enjoy your Saturday of Glory with your family by taking care of the water. Wasting it is punishable for 6 to 12 hours of community work.”

On the other hand, the Mexico City Council posted on Twitter: “The popular tradition of getting wet on Saturday in glory has been adjusted to the need to take care of water. Today we are more responsible.” He also reminded the public about the sanctions.


The phones to report leaks or report water waste are: 55-5654-3210 and 55-5658-1111. You can also request support through social networks such as Twitter: @SacmexCDMX.

Finally, Sacmex reported on the suspension of activities in the areas of citizen services on Thursday, April 14 and Friday, April 15.

