They found an 84 cm cable stuck in the bladder of a man in Indonesia who had inserted it through his penis

The man claimed that he inserted the cable to increase his sexual pleasure, a technique he applied about four or five times a week


Doctors at a hospital in Indonesia were surprised after a 34-year-old man came to the emergency room to remove an earphone cord from his bladder after an act of masturbation failed dramatically.

The patient pushed the 80-centimeter cable along his urethra unfortunate enough to make it too deep to the point that it got stuck inside his penis.

The man told the surgeons who treated him that he pushed the wire into his penis for “pleasure and sexual gratification” and confessed to using the technique of masturbation up to five times a week.

The man, who was not identified, went to the emergency department of his local hospital complaining of stomach pains when urinating.

He then told doctors at the Dr. Soetmo Academic General Hospital in Surabaya about his decision to insert the cable.

Writing in the journal Radiology Case Reports, doctors described it as “lodged in the bladder.”

They did an X-ray to see how deep inside his body he was and how much damage he had caused. He was “visibly and quickly identified,” the doctors said.

The cable, which was about 3 millimeters wide, was rolled up but, fortunately for him, it had not adhered to the bladder wall.

If he had stayed, urologists claim that he could have caused a hole that needed surgery to repair it.

The doctors pulled it out with tweezers, although it is not clear if there was anything left hanging on the wire to grab it.

The man spent the night in the hospital to see if he needed further treatment. He was discharged the next day.

Doctors described it as a classic case of polyembolocholamania, the act of inserting foreign bodies into orifices such as the rectum and vagina.


They said that the patient “showed no apparent psychotic behaviors and was mentally well”.

The insertion of objects into the opening of the penis for sexual pleasure is known as probing, which carries a number of risks.

“The instrumentation of the urethra dates back centuries and is called “probing”, named for the hollow metal rods, called sounds, which are used to detect stones in the bladder by the sound they would make when they hit the stone,” Dr. Rich Viney, a consultant urologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, told Mail Online.

“Mysteriously, we have seen many more of these kinds of problems during lockdown,” he added.

This is, of course, high-risk behavior, which often results in infections, bleeding and the formation of stenosis (a narrowing of the urethra that restricts the flow of urine).

If an object gets stuck inside the penis, it can cause various problems, ranging from a burning sensation, inability to urinate and erection problems.

More serious complications, such as the appearance of a hole in the bladder and scarring of the tube that carries urine out of the body, may require major reconstructive surgery.

