These are the days with the highest traffic on roads for Easter; avoid hurries and accidents

Up to 1.5 million vehicle crossings are expected per day, which is why 26 Prehospital Care Units, 71 ambulances, 36 rescue units and 114 cranes are being watched

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 22DICIEMBRE2018.- Poca afluencia vehicular en la salida de turistas en la autopista México-Cuernavaca, en el marco de las vacaciones decembrinas. 
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 22DICIEMBRE2018.- Poca afluencia vehicular en la salida de turistas en la autopista México-Cuernavaca, en el marco de las vacaciones decembrinas. FOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL /CUARTOSCURO.COM

This Easter, Mexicans enjoy vacations after a long period of pandemic and the largest number of families travel along the country's various roads and highways in order to reach major tourist destinations or to visit their loved ones in other entities, for this reason the authorities recommend driving with the greatest possible precaution as during these periods the number of car accidents tends to increase.

During this period, a total capacity of more than 23 million vehicle crossings is expected in the country. The days considered to have the highest traffic on motorways are April 13, 14 and 17, with an average of 1.5 million crossings per day.

For this reason, federal authorities have deployed since April 7 the operation Semana Santa 2022 in the 3,773 kilometers of road network operated by Federal Roads and Bridges (Capufe).

Only on this day, April 14 were there strong incidents on highways such as Mexico - Puebla, Lagos de Moreno - San Luis Potosí, Acatzingo - Mendoza City, so emergency services have had to come to care for the injured. This situation has generated slow traffic and in some cases rows of up to 10 kilometers.


Another of the most used roads, Mexico - Cuernavaca, registers vehicle loads from kilometer 31 to 67, per holiday period, and yesterday it was affected by the fire in an adjoining grassland.

In the case of the Lagos de Moreno - San Luis Potosí highway, at kilometer 40 it was closed to traffic in both directions due to a head-on collision that left several injured. The Federal Roads and Bridges Service (Capufe) reported that emergency personnel traveled to that area to treat those affected.

For this Easter 2022 operation, 26 Prehospital Care Units, 71 ambulances, 36 rescue units, 114 cranes and 41 dynamic signaling units were launched.

In addition, about 737 people provide emergency medical services and a guard of 4,000 public servants to attend to the highways.

Groups of the National Guard, Green Angels, Red Cross, Civil Protection and state and local police are also coordinated.


Due to the risks that they may pose to other motorists, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) limited traffic to the transport of indivisible cargo of large weight or volume.

This operation will end until April 18, so it is recommended that motorists consider travel times when returning to their points of origin and thus avoid haste that could endanger the lives of other people as well as those of their own loved ones.

The amount of the booth charge depends on the size of the transport, in case of using the roads that are managed by CAPUFE they will provide civil liability insurance. In addition, with information from the agency administered by the federal government, budgets can also be made according to the travel route.

* Using the Trace Your Route application of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), you can calculate the cost of roads and fuel consumption.

* The Trace Your Route link is

* Within the portal, click State and city of origin, then indicate where your destination will be.

* In the section below Rates you can select which vehicle it is: car, motorcycle, truck, bus or pick ups.

