Russia admitted the sinking of the Moskva ship after Ukraine's claimed attack on the Black Sea

This was confirmed by the Moscow Ministry of Defense in a statement, although they do not recognize the Ukrainian attack. Earlier, the Kremlin had admitted that the ship had been damaged and that the crew had been evacuated.

El crucero de misiles guiados
El crucero de misiles guiados de la Armada rusa Moskva navega de regreso a un puerto después de rastrear buques de guerra de la OTAN en el Mar Negro, en el puerto de Sebastopol, Crimea, 16 de noviembre de 2021. REUTERS/Alexey Pavlishak

The Russian Defense Ministry admitted on Wednesday that the cruise ship Moskva, the flagship of its Black Sea fleet, has sunk. Although his version of the fact is that there was an explosion from an onboard ammunition accident and that it sank into a storm.

For its part, Ukraine says it managed to sink the ship in a Neptune missile attack.


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