Q4 deputies supported PRI Carlos Aysa for Electricity Reform: “True patriotic conviction”

After the attacks received by his party, Carlos Aysa received applause from people close to the government of López Obrador


After the announcement that the deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Carlos Aysa Damas, would vote in favor of the Electricity Reform this Sunday, April 17, numerous allies of the bloc opposing the government of the Fourth Transformation (Q4) were launched against him.

This is because the PRI bench mentioned that they would cast their vote against the Reform. So the announcement of the young deputy was condemned and the party stressed that his vote would continue to be against it.

Among the dissatisfied voices were that of comedian Victor Trujillo who compared him to Judas Tadeo for betraying his party; Javier Lozano, who disqualified him by saying that he sold himself for a plate of lentils, and Kenia López Rabadán, who claimed that he would not vote for his father to be named ambassador of Dominican Republic, among others.

In the same way, the panist Julen Rementería lashed out against the young PRI and his father Carlos Miguel Aysa González, whom he called “Moral beggars and legislative mercenaries”.


However, not all of them were shocking for the legislator they called “traitor”, since on the other side of the political balance, people who have declared themselves in favor of the Reformation initiative and members of the 4Q government, applauded the PRI's decision.

Among those who supported the tricolor deputy was the message from MP Layda Sansores, who said that the deputy had leaned to the right side of history by supporting Andrés Manuel López Obrador's electric reform and called on him to be proud.

“Deputy Carlos Miguel Aysa Damas, has been consistent with history, has decided to support the president's electricity reform. Be proud, the folks who love Mexico value you. Defending the Electric Reform is for patriots,” said the deputy for Morena.

In turn, the deputy of the cherry party, Miguel Torruco Garza, who has also called for the defense of lithium through the Electric Reform, celebrated in this case that the vote in favor of the Reformation next Sunday is a sign of “patriotic conviction” and a “lesson in civility”.


“With a view and true patriotic conviction, PRI MP Carlos Miguel Aysa Damas has reflected on his vote IN FAVOR of the Electric Reform, giving a real lesson in political civility and love for his nation. Congratulations deputy”, wrote the deputy of the cherry party.

Similarly, political analyst and Morena supporter Abraham Mendieta celebrated that Aysa rebelled in favor of the Reformation and called for a transformation of the “way of doing politics.”

“One of PRI's youngest MPs, Carlos Aysa, rebels: he will vote in favor of the Electricity Reform. It is time to transform the way we do politics, congratulations”, published the analyst who also issued other comments in which he mentioned that he would not be the only one of the tricolor party to show his support for the Electric Reform.

In turn, the former deputy Ignacio Mier Velasco applauded the “courage, consistency and political honesty of Carlos Aysa in the face of the pressure of his bench against the Reformation and asserted that “dignity, neither bought nor sold, is defended”.

Faced with criticism, the deputy defended his decision arguing that after adding the twelve points approved by the PRI to the initiative, he decided to vote in favour and added that he could not act on the whim “or authoritarian mandate of my party, but on the right side of history”.