Pablo Montero lamented criticism of his performance as Vicente Fernández: “With tears on his face”

The actor was characterized as El Charro de Huentitán for a production by Juan Osorio, that is, the bioseries El último Rey

MÉXICO, D.F., 26NOVIEMBRE2007.- El cantante
MÉXICO, D.F., 26NOVIEMBRE2007.- El cantante Pablo Montero ofreció una conferencia de prensa para informar el nuevo lanzamiento de su nuevo material titulado "Mi tesoro Ranchero" el cual lo dara a conocer el proximo 28 de Noviembre. FOTO: SAÚL LÓPEZ/CUARTOSCURO.COM

Pablo Montero was the actor in charge of playing Vicente Fernández in the bioseries El Último Rey, however, Juan Osorio's production was criticized and even went to court because the Charro de Huentitán family had not authorized it.

In this regard, in conversation with Gustavo Adolfo Infante, the producer revealed that Pablo Montero was deeply affected by the controversy that had generated the series, since Cuquita Abarca, Vicente Fernández's widow, rejected the whole series and those involved in it.

“Today Paul was with tears on his face, because it hurt him a lot, because he felt very sad with that qualification of his person,” he said. In the same way, Juan Osorio clarified that Pablo Montero was very close to the family and did not “deserve” the attacks, since he was simply an actor who had been presented with a project that caught his attention.


Pablo has a great affection for the Fernández family, a great affection and all he does is be hired by a producer who presents him with a project that catches his attention, so (...) c I think it's okay that it's a series he doesn't agree with (Cuquita) but not with a person who lived with them, who lived with them,” he explained.

To encourage his actor, Juan Osorio had only the following words to make him see that he has to overcome the adversities of the artistic world; at the same time, he acknowledged his great work in characterizing himself as the performer of This Jealousy:

“The only thing left for you is to show your work, your talent and see the tribute you are doing to Don Vicente and that you have to do very well, for me a person who wears a charro suit and who looks good in a charro suit and who stands in front of a palenque to sing, not just anyone”.

In the same way, Juan Osorio recalled that Pablo Montero lived with Cuquita and Vicente Fernández when he was just a child: “I was counting that he got in the middle of the two of them to sleep and lie down, (today) he was very sad, he was crying and I said 'This is how life goes, you have to get ahead and watch the chapter and they will admire each other, '” he said in conversation with Gustavo Adolfo Infante.


The controversy surrounding Vicente Fernández's unofficial bioseries, El último rey, also reached the courts of Mexico, as lawyers on both sides keep alive the legal remedies to broadcast or ban the series.

Recently, representatives of the Fernández dynasty, Del Toro Carazo, reported through the social networks of the late singer that Televisa had filed an application for amparo to be able to broadcast the series, after allegedly to ensure that they had not received any notification.

On the other hand, according to the firm, representatives of the television company said that “all they knew was what this Fernández family law firm had published in a press release.”


“The falsity with which they conducted themselves before society is unheard of. Of course, they were and continue to be notified that they cannot transmit their illegal product,” said the representatives of Doña Cuquita and family.

Despite the conflict, Juan Osorio announced that the bioseries created from the work of Olga Wornat will have a continuation and even assured that it is already in the process of pre-production:

“This season lasts two weeks, we finished on March 25 on the air, and we are already working on a second season,” said the soap opera producer. In the conversation with the program De primermano, Juan Osorio also said he was satisfied by the cast of El último rey, since he considers the project as a benchmark to show that Televisa is improving its productions.