NASA highlights that Peru has the longest wave in the world

These are the famous waves of Chicama, which form several rows almost 4 kilometers long.


On the Pacific coast, located in northern Peru, is the longest wave in the world. These form routinely and at first glance can seem endless. The waves reach Puerto Malabrigo, which is part of the fishing village. And NASA has referred to them in a recent publication.


Around the world, waves can last several seconds, but in the case of Chicama, they last for several minutes. The waves break from the left, which means that they extend to the right from the perspective of an observer on the shore. The large waves are more consistent in the months of March to November.

These waves are ideal for surfers, who have to make several attempts to travel the total distance of “the longest wave” which on average reaches 4 kilometers (2.5 miles).


According to NASA, Andrew Thomas, oceanographer at the University of Maine and former surfer, highlighted that waves are generated by storm systems and weather fronts hundreds or thousands of miles away in the Pacific Ocean, and occasionally in the Southern Ocean. “A dream place for surfers”, is what Thomas calls the coastal area of Peru, specifically Chicama.

According to the specialist, while they spread in open water with the same speed and order, traveling in parallel and forming a unique stage in the world. “Because the coast of Peru is very deep,” said Thomas, “these great waves will continue their journey until they reach very close to the shore,” the report published by NASA reads.

“This is not common in Peru or Chile, where most waves simply hit a coast that is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation,” the report states.



Both are about the same place and is located in the province of Ascope. It is 70 kilometers north of the city of Trujillo. The beaches of Malabrigo are considered a paradise for surfing. There you can also find the famous “chicamera waves”, which are admired by all people and are known as “the longest perfect left waves in the world”.



As we mentioned, Chicama is a unique beach, there are no other ones that contain a similar wave formation; however, like this one, there are other ports that enjoy exotic beauty close to the area and we will show them below:

Puerto Morin

It is a town and seaside resort located 45 kilometers south of Trujillo, in the district of Virú. There is the cove that is the starting point for the Guañape Islands, where there are several species of marine fauna such as sea lions, guano birds, sea turtles, among others.


It is the most important seaside resort in the city of Trujillo, located 13 kilometers northwest of the capital of the region La Libertad. On this beach you can see the totora horses, ancient boats of the Mochica and Chimu cultures that are used until today for fishing and which owe their name to their original design and the vegetable fiber with which they are made. Thanks to its big waves, Huanchaco is one of the favorite beaches for Hawaiian boarders.