MinSalud issues recommendations to take care of the skin from the sun during Easter

A large percentage of the population takes advantage of vacations in places with hot weather, so it is important to take measures to avoid sunburn or cancer

Personas caminan en una playa
Personas caminan en una playa que se abrió desde hoy para el público local y los turistas bajo el cumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad y distanciamiento social en Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). EFE/ Ricardo Maldonado Rozo

During Holy Week, it is expected that in Colombia 8,326,792 vehicles will travel along the country's main road corridors, 2,658,493 citizens will travel on interdepartmental buses and 1,983,950 tourists will be transported by air. Of those millions of people, a large percentage prefer to vacation in places with a warm climate, where the sun is stronger and, due to the type of clothing, the skin is more exposed.

Based on data from the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam), it can be identified that some parts of the country are reporting strong reception of sunlight and high temperatures. In recent days, some departments have had to withstand temperatures exceeding 39 degrees Celsius.

Prolonged, unprotected exposure to the sun's rays, whether for recreational or occupational reasons, increases the likelihood of developing skin cancer and other diseases. With this in mind, the Ministry of Health recalled some preventive measures against the emergence of climate variability that the country is going through.

Here are some of the recommendations given by MinSalud to care for the skin and avoid sunburn or cancer:

- Avoid direct exposure to the sun, especially between 9 am and 4 pm, because this is the period during which solar radiation is most intense.

- Constantly hydrate, preferably consume water.

- Wear clothing that protects the arms and legs, as well as the neck and ears, namely long-sleeved clothing, long pants and wide-brimmed hat.

- If the day is very hot and you prefer to wear sleeveless clothing, apply enough sunscreen on exposed areas and repellent if you are in an area with mosquitoes, use umbrellas and shade offered by trees, houses or buildings to protect from the sun.

- Use sunglasses that have filters that block ultraviolet rays.

- Use sunscreen with an SPF greater than 30, keep in mind that the sunscreen is most effective if you apply it half an hour before exposure to the sun and reapply it every four

In addition to the care that must be taken with the skin, the authorities recalled that it is important to ensure that you take full care of yourself. In this regard, recommendations were issued to prevent the spread of covid-19 and diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and food. In addition, citizens, national and local officials and transit personnel have been urged to take measures to prevent road accidents.

In this regard, some recommendations were issued that would make it possible to safeguard people's lives:

- The consumption of alcoholic beverages even in small quantities increases the risk of being involved in traffic accidents. If you are going to drive, do not consume alcohol.

- Do not get distracted on the road, the cell phone, the radio can be the cause of losing control of the vehicle on the track.

- Buy fresh and healthy food according to your usual appearance, smell, texture and color.

- Avoid buying food on the street, mainly fish and seafood, as they do not guarantee minimum storage conditions (hygiene, protection, refrigeration or freezing).