Julión Álvarez spoke about US restrictions after linking him to drug trafficking: “People don't let go of our hands”

The singer has not been able to perform in the foreign country for several years




The career of singer Julión Álvarez has had several complications since 2017, when the US Treasury Department singled out the native of La Concordia, Chiapas for his alleged involvement in illicit money laundering businesses and an alleged relationship with a drug trafficker nicknamed El Tio.

Since then, the performer of hits such as La sembarrassa, You are going to miss me or The Color of Your Eyes has not been able to perform concerts in the American country and his music has been restricted from platforms and social networks.

It was in this situation that Julión uploaded an interview from his personal Instagram account in which he delved into this topic.

“It is an ugly powerlessness not being able to compete and not having the tools with which to be able to enter and play everyone, it is part of what we had to live, the time we had our tools to be able to give it I think it was taken advantage of,” he said.

Julión dijo que sus fans siempre lo apoyan (Foto:EFE/José Méndez/Archivo)
Julión dijo que sus fans siempre lo apoyan (Foto:EFE/José Méndez/Archivo) EFE

He also delved into the fact that during this difficult period something that he has not lacked has been the support of his followers, who have not left him alone.

It's been almost 5 years and people haven't let go of our hands. That is appreciated and everything has a reason, so at the time we already learned it and what follows,” he said.

As for the restrictions he has, the band performer pointed out that they had somewhat limited his musical rise, since he didn't have many ways to spread his melodies.

“Unfortunately we can't distribute music like anyone else does, we have to work harder and that's what we're focused on right now. We are not on the lists, in the playlists, or in the suggestions, we cannot distribute a song or nationally, so very slow but there we are and we don't complain,” he said.

Julión compartió una entrevista (Foto: Archivo)
Julión compartió una entrevista (Foto: Archivo)

The reactions from netizens were not long in coming and many of them expressed their support for the singer.

“Julión Álvarez is a process that will happen soon, the return to the sun is daily and that will be so with your change for the better... you are for who you are!” , “Your true fans always support you! !” , “I love you as a human being so humble that GOD always covers you with blessings”, are some of the mentions that filled the comment box.

The US justice points to the singer as the front man for a drug trafficker nicknamed “El Tío” as well as former footballer Rafael Márquez, so no company based in that country can do business with Julión, triggering that his label Universal, based there, cannot manage his career.

Julión Álvarez es un popular cantante de música folklórica en México y Estados Unidos (Foto: Archivo)
Julión Álvarez es un popular cantante de música folklórica en México y Estados Unidos (Foto: Archivo)

In an old interview with Suelta la sopa Julión explained: “I tried to be as positive as possible, I said 'today the music is over, the stages are over, we are going to the rancho', I did a country life, I planted corn, with blisters, hurt the first days, with family with mom, dad, my brothers”.

The singer said that he has not had the necessary tools to be able to continue working and performing in his work as any other group does.

“We have already given all the information that the American government requires, about my properties, all my assets, how I did it, where I worked, where is the bill, I was a good taxpayer both in the US and in Mexico, I paid and fulfilled my obligations and it is time to clean that image, and that stain that julión alvarez and his northern band”, he said at the time.


