Iván Cepeda denounces Duque and seven mayors for alleged political intervention in favor of Federico Gutiérrez

According to the senator, Ivan Duque wants to electorally prejudice presidential candidate Gustavo Petro


Senator Iván Cepeda announced, through his Twitter account, that he had filed criminal complaints against Colombian President Iván Duque and seven local mayors for alleged political intervention in favor of presidential candidate Federico Gutiérrez. According to Cepeda, the head of state “has not fulfilled his constitutional and legal duty to act neutrally during the presidential election.”

In addition to the Colombian president, the list of those accused includes Wilfredo Romero, mayor of the municipality of San Juan Nepomuceno, del Bolivar; Marco Adrián Artunduaga, Timana (Huila); Raquel Victoria Sierra, María La Baja (Bolivar); José Nicolás Ramos, Cicuco (Bolivar); Mario Javier Rodriguez, Santa Rosa de Lima (Bolivar); Eugenio Lobo, Arenal (Bolivar) and Edwin Puerta, Villanueva (Bolivar).

Iván Duque, emphasized Cepeda, was denounced to the Commission of Investigation and Prosecution of the House of Representatives. According to the congressman, the president, in the midst of the electoral contest, and despite the constitutional and legal prohibition of intervening in politics, “has repeatedly made public pronouncements that clearly demonstrate his intention to electorally harm presidential candidate Gustavo Petro.”

Cepeda assures that, in order to avoid the action of justice, Duque has omitted 'in an underground way' to mention the name of the presidential candidate for the center-left coalition Historic Pact, however, without making the literal mention, the senator comments, it is denoted that his actions are against Petro. “However, his statements are clear enough to know, without a doubt, that he alludes to him, and that he is, therefore, an absolutely determinable person,” the complaint states.


With regard to the mayors denounced, Cepeda explained that the allegations were submitted to the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation. Added to this is a disciplinary complaint filed with the Attorney General's Office, against the mayor and the six mayors mentioned above. Regarding the irregularities allegedly committed by these mayors, the senator said that there were different events that occurred during the National Congress of Municipalities held in Cartagena. There, says Cepeda, the local leaders, convened as public servants, openly intervened in politics in favor of Federico Gutiérrez.

It was on W Radio that it was denounced that at the publicly funded event, the mayors and the mayor spoke favorably about the candidate of the Team for Colombia coalition, even, it is said that the mayor of San Juan Nepomuceno assured that he would contribute votes for that campaign.

Iván Cepeda emphasizes that the conduct carried out by local leaders, allegedly, fits into the criminal type of intervention in politics, contained in article 422 of Law 599 of 2000 of the Criminal Code. This section states that public servants, including those who exercise civil, political or administrative authority, cannot use their power to favor or prejudice electorally a candidate, party or political movement.

“In summary, the mayors and the mayor (...) directed their conduct, as the highest political, administrative and civil authority of their municipalities, to use their investiture, while in exercise of their duties, to favor, with their approval, the presidential candidacy of Federico Gutiérrez”, concludes the document in which it was reflected the complaint.

