“He will be marked as a traitor”: Kenya López Rabadán lashed out at Carlos Miguel Aysa

The PAN Senator and several opposition politicians singled out PRI's Carlos Miguel Aysa Damas for his stance in favor of AMLO's electricity reform


Kenia López Rabadán, a senator of the National Action Party (PAN), took a stand against the federal deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Carlos Miguel Aysa Damas, after the official declared that he would support the electricity reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

The panist presented Aysa Damas' decision and noted on her Twitter account: “Let Congressman Aysa know that I will vote against her father being Ambassador. He has decided to sell his vote in favor of #LeyBartlett, in exchange for vulgar money and power. For selling his vote, he will be marked in Campeche and throughout the country as a traitor. #AysaTraidorALaPatria”.


The legislator's comments came after the deputy communicated through his Facebook account that, due to his commitment to the people and not to the whims and interests of others, he would vote in favor of the Morenoist reform.

In that publication, which reached 14,000 reactions and 6.8 thousand comments, he also stated that his decision was not based on a question of favoritism, arguing that he reached that conclusion after the 12 points approved by the PRI Political Council were included in the reform opinion.

Among the elements added were “electricity as a human right, lowering electricity bills to 43 million families; as well as public lighting, agricultural and drinking water pumping, and ending the looting and frauding of millions of dollars by foreign companies, but always maintaining legal private investment”.


In addition, he invited his other comrades to rethink their vote for the development of Mexico and emphasized: “I cannot act on the whim or by authoritarian mandate of my party, but on the right side of history.”

For his part, the national president of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, called the federal deputy treacherous and stressed that part of his decision was due to the position of ambassador that the chief executive had offered his father, Moreno replied: “Neither an embassy, nor bribes, nor blackmail will be enough to look head-on to the nation that has betrayed”.


Kenia López also did not hesitate to state that she will vote against Carlos Miguel Aysa González, former governor of Campeche and father of Damas, for ambassador. It should be noted that the conflicts between the Aysas with the parties of the Va por México coalition broke out, precisely, because of the offer of López Obrador.

The controversies arose after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) announced on January 17, 2022 that the president had suggested new appointments for Mexican representations in foreign countries.

Among the president's proposals were the names of Claudia Pavlovich (former PRI governor of Sonora) and that of Aysa González, who was nominated by AMLO as the new ambassador of the Dominican Republic.

On the other hand, this week the Senate announced that the appointment of the former Campeche president would be postponed until further notice, after the resolution of the Chamber of Deputies on the AMLO reform was known.


In relation to Aysa Dumas' decision, there were also those who applauded her “courage, consistency and political honesty”. The Morenist and former PRI MP, Ignacio Mier Velazco, celebrated the words of Carlos Miguel and stressed that “dignity is neither bought nor sold, it is defended”.