Rodolfo Hernández went head-on against President Duque: “He's got us ruined”

The former mayor of Bucaramanga pointed out his complete disagreement with the current government in an interview he held with 'Juanpis Gonzalez'

In the midst of the presidential campaign, candidates from the different movements have attended spaces to make their proposals and points of view known, one of the most controversial being the one directed by the comedian Alejandro Riaño called De Juanpis Live Show. In this, through his humorous and critical tone, the character asks different questions focused on showing life, opinions and that his guests can feel in an atmosphere of trust.

Among those in the competition for the presidency were Gustavo Petro, Ingrid Betancourt and in the last program the former mayor of Bucaramanga Rodolfo Hernández, who spoke of many political leaders of the country, including President Iván Duque, where he made it clear that he has irreconcilable differences with the president.

The conversation began because 'Juanpis' asked him about his political debts to someone, to which he replied that he only owes to his constituents and the people who have trusted his candidacy: “I don't live on hypocrisy, nor do I speak half-truths. So, to all those who voted for me, I owe them a debt of gratitude, I didn't let them down, nor am I going to let them down right now.”

But as is known, the comedian continued to insist to know, if the engineer would give his name or maintain his initial position, but he very emphatically assured “No, not crap”. After this, the character once again counterasked: “To Duqueins?” , referring to the current President of the Republic, Iván Duque. To which Hernandez replied: “To Duqueins... except that son... Look how he has us ruined.”

In this way, showing her differences with the current president and her political party, as well as the policies she has implemented in matters of security, peace agreements, economics and the management of covid-19.

Apparently, he is much closer to Gustavo Petro's proposal, since a few days ago he defended him on his social networks against criticism of comments claiming that the candidate of Pact Histórico would expropriate Colombians on his eventual presidency.

“I analyzed Petro, I'm not advertising him, but I'm being objective, when he was mayor of Bogotá with the indicators they gave me as if I was going to buy a company and the result is 3.7 out of 5. How much did Petro expropriate himself when he was mayor? How many hairdressers, taxis, farms, buildings did he expropriate?” , commented Hernandez.

At the same time, he acknowledged that Petro could have made a better mayor's office when he was in charge of Bogotá and said that seeking to be objective in the face of recognition of what is right and wrong. He also commented that “the bad guys have to be taken out quickly, without livers”.

Hernández will continue with his intention of being the president of the Colombians, but he still has to convince a large part of the citizens to vote for him. We must remember that there is less and less time left for candidates to campaign, since May 29 is the first round of the elections and it will practically be defined who will be the president or will go to the second round in June.