President of the Senate insists on ad hoc registrar after appearance of more than one million votes

Congressman Juan Diego Gomez again asked the Prosecutor's Office and the Attorney General's Office to appoint a registrar for the presidential elections


Senate President Juan Diego Gomez launched a new criticism of the National Civil Status Registrar Alexander Vega, after the appearance of more than one million votes that were not reported in the pre-count of the elections to the Congress of the Republic were announced.

The official explained that of the million votes, 500,000 correspond to the Historical Pact and the remaining votes correspond to different political movements. This represents a difference of 7% between the pre-count and the final count of the Registrar.

Faced with this news, the president of the Senate pointed out that it is necessary to establish an ad hoc registrar for the first presidential round. “I think this calls for the Prosecutor's Office and the Attorney General's Office to make rapid progress in the election of an ad hoc registrar who quickly puts on his shirt and prevents the presidential elections from being stolen,” Gómez explained to Blu Radio.

Although Alexander Vega assured that “there was no fraud” in the March 13 elections, the president of the Senate believes otherwise. “What we need to review here is the real fraud in the software that assigns and profiles the electoral juries,” Gómez said, considering that half the votes of difference correspond to a single party. “How did the Historical Pact know that there were more than 23,000 tables where votes were going to appear in advance?” , he added in the media outlet.

The congressman also raised the need for the Registrar's Office to evaluate the process of virtual registration of ballots, which had problems on election day. He also called for verification of Colombia Transparente's complaint “about the voting of more than 300,000 electoral juries on two occasions.”

This situation was made known by lawyer Sergio Alzate at RCN Mundo and assured that the National Registry Office sent a profile of the juries they would choose for the electoral processes. “This was not spontaneous, the more than 600,000 voting juries deliberately, premeditated and planned by the registrar, were able to vote twice, that is how more than 300,000 of them did,” commented the leader of Colombia Transparente in the media.

It should be recalled that despite the allegations, the registrar insisted that the irregularities are due to the errors made by the voting juries: “it was confirmed that 23,000 forms were poorly filled out by the voting juries”. He also mentioned that in 5,109 tables a possible malice is demonstrated, “because in addition to filling out the forms in the wrong way, there were crosses out of the candidates' votes,” he added.

The position of the EOM

The director of the Electoral Observation Mission (EOM), Alejandra Barrios, criticized the fact that the focus continues to be placed on voting juries and the design of E-14 forms. If that's the problem, “then you shouldn't run for the House of Representatives. In that corporation we don't have the design of the E-14, which is why that wouldn't be a problem,” said Alejandra Barrios.

The EOM indicated that according to the information provided by the Registrar's Office, 5,000 tables were found where most of the inconsistencies in the past elections were found. “It should be so much for the House and Senate to be concentrated almost 80% of the errors in filling the E-14, that is, that is where we should have the million votes concentrated,” Barrios said.

The organization explained that they still do not have access to accurate information to know the configuration of the different voting stations that had the irregularities. In this regard, he stated that it should be reviewed who made up these polling stations, whether they were students, contractors or public officials and what entities, companies and departments they came from.

