More than 50 people killed in traffic accidents so far during Holy Week in Colombia

The departments that most report road accidents are Valle del Cauca, Bolívar and Cesar


During Easter, the number of cars on the road increases, as citizens take advantage of it to take a break and mostly go out to places outside their area of residence. Because of this, authorities must create plans to help with car flow, heavy traffic and accident prevention.

However, the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) has reported so far this Easter, 356 accidents, which left 58 people dead and 399 injured. It is important to note that despite the number of accidents if compared with the figure for 2021, it can be concluded that these have decreased by 11%, since last year 399 incidents were reported in which 70 people died and 463 were injured.

In this regard, it should be emphasized that the departments that report the most accidents are: Valle del Cauca, Bolívar and Cesar, according to El Tiempo, evidence of this is that three regions cover 51.7% of reported accidents and that speeding is very common, which is the most common reason for reported traffic accidents in Colombia.

A few days ago, the Mystery of Health pointed out that the problem of road accidents and mortality continues to affect Colombia and must be addressed from different sides, as stated by Germán Escobar, Deputy Minister of Public Health and Service Provision.

The problems we face in road safety are not addressed from a single sector, they are not addressed by the health sector, only; they are not addressed by the transport or education sector, only, but it is a problem that is addressed cross-sectorally,” said the official.

He added that good joint work is being carried out in the country, which contributes and provides spaces for discussion where it is addressed in an intersectoral manner, “in this way, the actions of the health sector are capitalized or have a much better support to influence and contribute.”

Escobar explained the three lines of action being carried out by Minsalud. One of these is associated with raising awareness of the characteristics of infrastructure and safety in public and private transport.

“In our middle- and low-income countries, we still have to do a very important job in adopting these certified systems. This is very important, not just any system, but to guarantee the quality of certified systems for the protection of our children in transport”, he concluded, adding that another line is the preparation of pre-hospital and hospital care professionals

Tips for preventing accidents

The authorities have mentioned that one of the first things that the person who wants to travel by road must take into account is to ensure that his car is OK and meets all the requirements, in addition, that it has extinct and a first aid kit as suggested by the standard. On the other hand, it is important that the driver is in optimal condition, that is, that he is not stressed, tired or with worries that cloud his mind while driving.

On the other hand, it is recommended that the travelers who recommended have the emergency telephone number that is on the toll receipts on hand, to request mechanical assistance, ambulances or cranes.

