MinSalud asks to take advantage of Easter to complete the vaccination scheme

The national Government asked citizens to keep informed of the measures or recommendations issued by municipal, district or departmental authorities


In view of the Easter holidays and festivities, the Ministry of Health asked the authorities of the different cities and municipalities of the country to focus their reinforcements on completing vaccination schedules and applying booster doses against covid-19.

Ivan Cárdenas, deputy director of Communicable Diseases of the Ministry, was responsible for providing this information, who called for not neglecting effective practices and behaviors for the management and control of the risk of the virus.

“We call on all individuals, families and communities to maintain biosecurity measures such as hand washing during this Easter week, but above all, to prioritize completing vaccination schedules and applying the booster dose,” explained the deputy director (e).

Cárdenas also indicated that in case of holding or attending mass events, it is preferable that they be outdoors. It also urged citizens to keep informed about new measures or recommendations issued by the national Government and municipal, district or departmental governments.

Among the self-care measures cited by the official, are the use of a mask covering mouth and nose in closed places, washing hands continuously, adequate ventilation in the home and preventive isolation in the event of symptoms compatible with covid-19.

In total, since the start of the National Vaccination Plan a little over a year ago, 81,700,313 doses have been applied in Colombia, out of the 88,558,452 that have been distributed. Thus, nearly eight million doses are available in the country to the population pending initiation or completion of immunization schedules.

At the regional level, Bogotá has applied 14.5 million doses, followed by Antioquia (11.4), Valle del Cauca (6.7), Cundinamarca (5.0), Barranquilla (2.7), Santander (3.7) Norte de Santander (2.4), Boyacá (2.2), Atlántico (1.9), Cartagena (1.8) and Bolivar (1.6).

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The challenge of the national government is not only based on the prevention of covid-19. In the same direction, the Deputy Director (e) of Communicable Diseases, issued a series of recommendations to prevent the occurrence of cases of dengue, zika and chikungunya, during the major week. “Colombia, due to its geographical and eco-epidemiological characteristics, meets all the conditions for the presence of mosquitoes that transmit these diseases,” he said.

These are the recommendations issued by the Ministry of Health:

- Do not leave water standing in pots after spraying the plants.

- Keep the containers in which they store water completely covered.

- If they have water in pools, pots or other large containers, wash them and brush their walls every 8 days. If possible, keep them covered.

- If they use vases, wash them and change their water at least every 6 days or put drops of chlorine on them.

- Keep the yard free of objects that can store water, proper disposal of tires, scrap metal, cleaning rainwater channels, puddles, clean water tanks, covers, and others.

- Collect garbage and solid waste in vacant plots and lots, and keep the yard clean.

- Eliminate all mosquito breeding sites inside and outside your home, such as pots, vases, and others.

- Participate in community days of collection of useless items with participation promoted by local authorities.


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