Holy Week: discover who are the biblical characters of this celebration

In addition to Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the apostles, there are also other characters who marked this celebration. Get to know them in the next note.




Holy Week is a religious celebration in which the Church and believers review the mysteries of passion, death and resurrection. Therefore, they are days of reflection and introspection for the faithful of the Christian and Catholic religion.

Although the protagonist of these dates is Jesus, since his last days of life are remembered before he was crucified. There are also other biblical characters who played important roles in the development of these events.

If you want to know what other characters marked these days, continue reading the following note.


This week he is in charge of commemorating the last days of Jesus' life, so he is the main character of these dates. It begins with his entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday until and ends with his resurrection the following Sunday. During this week Jesus is condemned and dies crucified, but he rises on the third day according to the Holy Scriptures.

Jesús (Foto: El Greco)
Jesús (Foto: El Greco)


Mary was the one chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. In it the Immaculate Conception is given by the work of the Holy Spirit. At Holy Week the mysteries of faith are told from the vision of it.


The apostles are the 12 men that Jesus chose to be his disciples. The word apostle means' sent ', so their mission was not only to learn from the messiah's teachings, but also to communicate them and proclaim the Gospel once he no longer accompanies them.

During Holy Week, special mention is made of Peter and John, since the first is to whom Jesus entrusts the government of the Church. But he is also the one who denied it three times even after he told him that he would be with him until the end.


He is the one who condemns Jesus to be crucified despite not finding him guilty of what he is accused of. The Roman procurator makes this decision by yielding to the wishes of the people after giving them three chances to release him. Before sending him to the cross, he sends him to see Herod.

Poncio Pilatos (Foto: Getty)
Poncio Pilatos (Foto: Getty)


Herod was the king of Galilee at this time. He is one of the four rulers with the same name listed in the Holy Scriptures. He is the son of Herod the Great. According to the Gospel, the king receives Jesus, sent by Pilate, because he wanted to see him do some of the miracles he had heard. However, the messiah hardly says a word during his visit, so the tetrarch sends him back.


Three of the four Gospels agree that he is the man who is ordered to help Jesus carry the cross to Calvary. According to the books of Mark and Luke, Simon was a man returning from the field and carrying the cross with the messiah.


He was one of the Jews who was part of the Council that condemns Jesus to death. According to the Gospel of John, Joseph was secretly a disciple of the messiah for fear of the Jews, so he did not agree with the sentence imposed on him. San Mateo describes him as 'a rich man from Arimathea'. While St. Luke refers to him as 'a good man who had not nodded to the Council'.


He was the high priest of the Jews when Jesus was condemned to the cross. According to the Gospel, when they capture the messiah in Gethsemane, they first take him to the palace of Caiaphas. Here they question and humiliate him before taking him to Pilate.


He is one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, yet he is the one who betrays him in exchange for 30 silver coins. It is during the Last Supper that he communicates that one of them is going to deliver him, and before doing so he will kiss him on the cheek. According to the Scriptures, the apostle regrets doing so and tries to return the money, but it was too late.


He is one of the characters that is least talked about at Easter, however, he is the one who was closest to Jesus at the time of his death. He is known as 'the good thieve', he is one of the two who are crucified with the messiah. While one insulted him by saying that if he was a son of God he would go off the hook alone and them too, the other acknowledges his guilt and asks Jesus to remember him when he gets to heaven. For this reason, Dimas is considered the first saint in history.

San Dimas (Foto: primeroscristianos.com)
San Dimas (Foto: primeroscristianos.com)



