Gustavo Bolívar claims to have signed a 'Fico clause' and blames Uribism for scaring off foreign investment

The senator affirmed that this condition was imposed by investors in the face of the conflict that the country is experiencing


As an economic shield in the event that candidate Federico 'Fico' Gutiérrez came to power, the senator elected by the Historical Pact, Gustavo Bolivar, published a tweet in which, he assured, secured funding in Miami for a project that has been in management for quite some time.

Bolívar wrote: “As long as insecurity continues in Colombia, they cannot invest. One of them who resides 25 years ago told me that if I won 'Fico', they won't invest. The governing party is betting on other situations, it is not aimed at peace but on war.”

In depth, the senator used numeral #ClausulaFico to describe what he considers to be a latent fear on the part of foreign investors of bringing their capital to the country:

#ClausulaFico Colombia is a market of 51 million people. Hundreds of foreign companies are ready to invest when we have peace. Many foreign businessmen are afraid to come to Colombia. With peace we quintupled tourism and investment. Uribism is war.”

Senator Gustavo Bolívar, the top of the list and largest elector of the Historical Pact in the last legislative sessions of March 13, insisted that his project — a park in the department of Cundinamarca — had been underfunded for years until, in recent weeks, different investors showed interest in participating. imposing such a clause in the draft.

For some media, such as SEMANA, the so-called “Fico Clause” is a way of countering the “Petro Clause” that would involve pressure from employers and investors with regard to a possible presidency of candidate Gustavo Petro.

Although it has been the subject of more speculation on social networks, such a clause would in one way or another imply pressure on certain sectors of the population not to conscientiously exercise their vote for the next elections, in this case, the first-round presidential elections in May.

With the movement of the “Fico Clause”, interpreted SEMANA, Bolívar would try to draw the attention of his political sector to, in a way, deny the one awarded to the leader of the Historical Pact, Gustavo Petro.


It has not been good weeks for Senator Bolívar: conflicting messages about the vice-presidential formula, Francia Márquez, and the campaign's debate chief, Alfonso Prada, are added to the loss of position in the Second Committee of the Senate, following a crushing vote against it.

For the second time in this legislature, due to conclude on July 20, the re-elected Senator for the Historical Pact, Gustavo Bolivar, was defeated in his attempt to take control of the second vice-presidency of the Senate of the Republic.

The defeat of the legislator was the trigger for the legislator to declare that the charge did not matter to him since his intention, he said, is to set a precedent in terms of the opposition's rights to access managerial positions in Congress.

The position is good for me, because a position for two months does not make sense, I should have taken office on July 20 and if I want I can even be the president of Congress in July, because I am the top of the list of the most voted list in the history of Colombia, the position is the least of it,” the representative of the Historical Pact.

Bolívar sought to gain second vice presidency after a nullity ruling, issued by the Council of State, stopped the nomination of Iván Leonidas Name Vásquez (Green Alliance Party), who won the position from the representative of Humana Colombia on July 20, 2021.

According to his colleagues in Congress, the reason why the representative of Colombia Humana has been defeated twice, because he is not part of the opposition but because, on the one hand, his attitude towards his colleagues is past him a collection account; and on the other, that he does not have enough knowledge to be able to occupy the position to which he wanted to access.

