Gulf clan would be hiring FARC dissidents

The alliance between illegal groups would occur as both sides seek to carry out terrorist acts in some areas of the national territory


In recent days in the country there have been different complaints about the alliances that some criminal groups are making in some areas of the country to accentuate their power. The latest complaint was released by Noticas RCN, which had access to intelligence information that assures that the Gulf Clan would be creating new alliances by recruiting members of FARC dissidents to attack the security forces in Bajo Cauca and some areas of Urabá and Chocó.

The reason the authorities give for understanding this new union is that the Gulf Clan is interested in the knowledge that militants of the illegal group building explosive devices have, in order to carry out different terrorist coups in some territories of the country.

“Prevent the advancement of intelligence by the police and military forces, as well as attacking police officers in some places where we are carrying out operations against the main leaders,” General Jorge Luis Vargas, director of the National Police, denounced to national media outlets.

According to the allegations, the reason why they would have the knowledge is because they are led by former members and leaders of the extinct FARC, who had been preparing for many years in criminal life such as Iván Mordisco and Gentil Duarte.

“Among its functions are the location of explosives, extortion, organizing activities in the camps that, due to their guerrilla experience, help give instructions,” General Vargas said.

Another area where such agreements have been denounced is in the department of Nariño in the Iscuandé area, where citizens have denounced that the Second Marquetalia, together with the ELN and paramilitary group, have created alliances to gain dominance over the territory.

According to the locals, the armed actors have made it known that they are willing to do anything to win territory, making the inhabitants of the area the most affected, as they are suffering different types of intimidation and violence at the hands of illegal groups.

A community spokesman who asked to remain anonymous told Blu Radio, that he holds testimonies from citizens who have had to live with anxiety over the intimidation of armed actors and that they will be handed over to the UN and the National Ombudsman's Office. The documents and recordings that support the complaint would demonstrate the behavior of groups and agreements that exacerbate violence in the territory and that its purpose is to regain control of the area, which is known to criminals as one of the most important routes for moving drugs and weapons.

A similar case of alliances between armed actors in the country was released a few weeks ago by Human Right Watch. The organization noted in its last report that the Venezuelan armed forces are direct accomplices of the Eln in its operations on the border it shares with Colombia, where it seeks to defeat other armed groups in order to take control of these territories and drug trafficking routes. The conclusions of the document came out of an investigation conducted through testimonies of people displaced by violence in the department of Arauca and in the Venezuelan state of Apure.

The document points out that the armed conflict between FARC and Eln dissidents began to intensify since January 1 and has generated multiple human rights violations such as: forced disappearance, murders, displacement and other crimes.

Members of the Venezuelan security forces, who have been implicated in human rights violations that have led to international investigations into alleged crimes against humanity, have conducted joint operations with members of the Eln and have been complicit in their abuses,” the NGO document reads, which it also called for the necessary measures to be taken as communities were the ones that were being affected by the violence that had been exacerbated in recent years.

