Four soldiers of the Omega Task Force were killed at Meta

This was communicated through a trill in the official account of the Colombian Military Forces, where they also indicated that one more uniformed man was injured

Foto de archivo. Soldados del Ejército de Colombia cargan los cuerpos de unos guerrilleros de las FARC muertos en un combate en una base miliutar del municipio de Tame, en el departamento de Arauca, Colombia, 20 de enero, 2014. REUTERS/José Miguel Gómez
Foto de archivo. Soldados del Ejército de Colombia cargan los cuerpos de unos guerrilleros de las FARC muertos en un combate en una base miliutar del municipio de Tame, en el departamento de Arauca, Colombia, 20 de enero, 2014. REUTERS/José Miguel Gómez

Around nine o'clock this morning, Wednesday, April 13, the Colombian Armed Forces denounced that in the middle of a mission they were harassed by members of a residual organized armed group located in Uribe, department of Meta.

As indicated by the Military Forces in their triune, the FARC's dissent in their violent action had claimed a regrettable toll of four fatalities, all uniformed from the Omega Task Force. They also noted that one soldier was injured in the midst of the harassment.

“We denounce the murder of four of our #HéroesPorSiempre of the Omega Task Force, who in fulfillment of the constitutional mission were attacked by members of the residual GAO in Uribe, Meta. One more of our soldiers was injured,” they said in the institution's official networks.

Authorities reported that they are investigating the murders in order to establish the identity and capture the criminals responsible, so the news is still developing.

Regarding the security of the Colombian Armed Forces, alias' Ramón 'was identified, responsible for the murder of three uniformed men and ten wounded in rural Ituango Antioquia.

On April 8, there was an attack with explosives on a military vehicle that was mobilizing through the sector in “military operations”, according to the commander of the National Army, General Zapateiro, in the rural area of Ituango. The tragic attack left 3 soldiers dead while 10 more were injured.

The alias' Ramón 'or 'Tres Codos', a dissident of the 18th front of the FARC, is said to be responsible for the attack. Authorities indicated that they are already in the development of operations in the rural area of Ituango and the department of Antioquia in order to be able to find their capture.

General Juvenal Díaz, commander of the Seventh Division of the National Army, said: “We will continue to carry out operations in this area, especially to find the whereabouts of alias Ramiro; and also to find the capture or neutralization in the course of military operations against alias Ramón or Tres Codos, who was the bandit who was perpetrated the attack on our soldiers”.

The three uniformed men lost in their lives in the regrettable attack were Sebastián Espitia, Enairo Martínez and Álvaro Torres, while the ten wounded soldiers receive medical care at the Pablo Tobón Uribe Clinic in Medellín.

In context

In the communiqué issued by the command of the Seventh Division of the National Army, they reported: “On the night of this Friday, April 8, a military vehicle that was mobilizing on the El Singo village, rural area of the municipality of Ituango, north of Antioquia, was attacked with explosives installed on the road, apparently by terrorists of the group Residual Organized Armed Structure 18 ″, possibly refer to FARC dissidents. Apparently they were after alias “Ramiro” head of the 18th front of this armed group.

They assured that the command will file complaints with the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation for the “use of illicit means and methods of war”, they assure that this violates international humanitarian law.

The commander of the Seventh Division, Juvenal Díaz Mateus, traveled to the area, accompanied by other military and police authorities; where they held a security council with the mayor of Ituango, Mauricio Mira.

The Army stated that it regrets and expresses its condolences to the families of the deceased soldiers, but they assure that they will continue to carry out military operations in the area to ensure security and tranquility in the region.

