Easter in Peru: the most attractive churches to visit during the holiday

Get to know the central places to do religious activities not only in the capital, but also throughout Peru.

It is Holy Week and many take the opportunity to carry out their Christian activities, in order to commemorate one more year of what happened to Jesus. However, it is an opportunity to go to church ceremonies, either for religion or tourism around the country. Therefore, there are places that are very popular that are not only found in the capital.

Catholic churches are often seen in the shape of a 'basilica' due to the architectural style of yesteryear. However, it is a good opportunity to take a tour these holidays to learn not only about the structure, but also the meaning that they carry for believers in Peru.


The most important temple in the Peruvian capital. A perfect place to learn about the history of Lima, with an architectural beauty that will surprise tourists and curious people. The interior shows luxurious art in paintings and walls. It is considered the main seat of the Catholic Church in Peru and has a long history dating back to the 16th century.

Located in front of the Plaza Mayor, its history dates back to 1535, when the conquistador Francisco Pizarro ordered the construction of a Catholic temple, which was inaugurated in 1540. It suffered the earthquakes of 1687 and 1746. And it had other restorations at the end of the 19th century and after the earthquake that occurred in 1940.


It is located in the city of Cusco and has the seal of World Heritage. It is located in the Plaza de Armas of the city and is owned by the Archdiocese of Cusco.

The Basilica, next to the temples of Triumph and the Sagrada Familia, make up the whole of the Cathedral, is located in the northeast sector of the current Plaza de Armas in Cuzco. Since 1972 it has been part of the Monumental Zone of Cuzco, and in 1983 it is part of the central area declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The founder is Juan Solano, and the first stone happened on March 11, 1560. Its architecture is rectangular in basilica type with three naves: epistle, gospel and central. It contains 14 cruciform pillars that define the distribution of the twenty-four ribbed vaults. Its picturesque reflection and design are what attract the attention of tourists and Peruvians to have a good time at Easter.


Another church that is recognized as a World Heritage Site, built in 1540 by Garcí Manuel de Carbajal together with the architect Lucas Poblete. Neo-Renaissance style and made in ashlar with a certain Gothic influence. Its façade consists of seventy columns with Corinthian capitals, three portals and two large side arches. It is topped by two tall, stylized Renaissance towers.

The central nave features a pulpit carved in wood and in the background there is an organ of Belgian origin. The chapel of the Lord of the Great Power is very frequented by locals. In addition, it is one of the 70 churches in the world authorized to display the Vatican banner.


World Heritage Site and Cultural Heritage of the Nation, also known as San Francisco el Grande. It is located in the historic center of Lima. Built in 1535 by Constantine of Vasconcello, it has a Baroque style, attractive to tourists and ordinary citizens about the festivities or any day in the capital.

It has grace, thickness and monumentality with a rhythmic padding that runs along its walls. The yellow color gives it that brightness that has greater presence with the sunrise. Perfect for Easter.


Considered Cultural Historical Heritage of the Nation, located in the main square of Puno, and that is why it is the main baroque cathedral in the city of the same name. Made by Emilio Hart Terre, owned by the Catholic Church. Two miraculous images are venerated: The Lord of Quinary or the “Lord of the Bala” and the Virgen de los Remedios.

The front inside of the Cathedral is made of silver and on the side walls there are paintings from different schools (Cusqueña, Italian, etc.).


It is the cathedral and main church of Trujillo, Peru. Its construction lasted from 1647 to 1666. The year after its completion, it was elevated to the category of “Minor Basilica” by Pope Paul VI. Located in Trujillo's main square, it is a baroque style made with sand, lime, brick, earth and plaster.

It is used as a cathedral church and museum with worship of the Catholic religion, which is why it is most frequently visited during Holy Week. Its interior is quite sober. It has rococo altarpieces painted in white with gold and a baroque one with the same colors; the canvases it preserves belong to the Cuzco school of painting and Quito. Perfect for photos.