After almost two years apart, Arturo Peniche and his wife are on a journey of reconciliation

Brandon Peniche, son of the actor, expressed that his parents matured as people by staying apart for more than a year and a half




It was in 2020 that Arturo Peniche caused a stir among the public by revealing that he had separated from his wife Gabriela Ortiz after a marriage of almost 40 years. The actor made the surprise announcement during the interview he gave to journalist Mara Patricia Castañeda for his channel En casa de Mara and immediately shocked his audience, who considered his marriage as an example of union in Mexican entertainment.

Then, the actor of soap operas like Maria Mercedes explained that he suddenly felt undervalued in his marriage and that he “no longer understood” with the mother of his two children, so he decided to leave the family home, although he did not raise the possibility of divorce, leaving open the possibility of reconciliation.

“I hope this separation is temporary with Gaby, we are adjusting things, she is at home and I am in mine (...) I do love, I love my wife very much, I just couldn't adjust to certain needs that she has and she didn't know how to adjust to certain needs that I have and we are talking about”, he said shortly after for the program Sale the sun.

Tras casi dos años de separación, los esposos se han embarcado en un viaje, según el hijo de ambos (Foto: Archivo)
Tras casi dos años de separación, los esposos se han embarcado en un viaje, según el hijo de ambos (Foto: Archivo)

For a year and seven months, the actor has had various approaches with his wife, without a formal return with the woman he joined in marriage at the age of 20.

In April 2021, Peniche assured that he was not reconquering his wife, but was cultivating the love they have sought for almost four decades. “I'm going to tell you something, someone said that I'm reconquering my wife, I want to tell you that you don't have to win back anything, you have to take care of it, you have to appease it, you have to love it and the changes that have taken place in my marriage have been quite important, where both she and I are maturing”, she declared to TVNotas .

The father of driver and actor Brandon Peniche said then that for him separation is an important stage in his life that most couples have to go through, especially if they have been together for too long. In addition to the affection and love he feels for his wife, the actor of La indomable confessed that his family had to do a lot and the amount of experiences they had together.

Arturo y Gaby se unieron en matrimonio cuando tenían 20 años (Foto: Archivo)
Arturo y Gaby se unieron en matrimonio cuando tenían 20 años (Foto: Archivo)

“I think that all marriages in life have readjustments and well, it was my turn too. So many years of marriage, 39 years of marriage, with two children, three grandchildren, that they have given us the continuity of being and the happiness of being, so why not take advantage of it and move on”, he explained then.

Now, one year and seven months after their separation, it has been Brandon Peniche, son of the veteran actor, who attended as a guest on the show Hoy, where he uncovered that his parents are so committed to their reunion that they embarked on a journey of reconciliation.

“Right now they're traveling, they're fine, they're there,” he said. Brandon, who until a few months ago was part of the ranks of TV Azteca to later announce his return to Televisa, shared that the separation of his parents helped them both mature individually and as a couple.

Arturo Peniche y su hijo Brandon, quien dijo amar ver a sus padres juntos o por separado (IG: arturopenicheof)
Arturo Peniche y su hijo Brandon, quien dijo amar ver a sus padres juntos o por separado (IG: arturopenicheof)

“I think it did strengthen them more as human beings, I think it made them mature a lot and I think that being alone and being able to think about everything for a while, difficult times came for everyone and I think that also affected a lot. Today, seeing them together or apart gives me joy,” he said in relation to the COVID-19 health crisis, at the peak of which in Mexico, mid-2020, Arturo Peniche and Gaby Ortiz separated.


