The Xokas: his new controversy leads him to be branded as a 'rapist bleacher'

“They are not going to cancel me with this kind of thing”, the Spanish streamer El Xocas defended himself and assured that “he is not a rapist bleach”.


Didn't he learn his lesson? Joaquín Domínguez, known in the streaming world as El Xokas, is once again the target of criticism for some comments he broadcast during a live show on Twitch, a space he took advantage of to be able to talk to followers who were still connected. One of the themes they touched on was that of fun in discos and some situations that occur in these nightlife establishments. His words have been rated and harshly criticized on platforms such as Twitter, where they have called for their “cancellation”.


We explain the context to you. In his broadcast he began to receive a series of messages from users who joined. One of them left him a comment related to the topic they were discussing. He told him that when he went out at night he drank some juices and made friends with the waitresses. This was described as a “trick” by the streamer, who took the opportunity to remember something one of his friends did when they went out at night.

In order to understand his message, he refers to “placed” which is understood as the state that a person comes to by using substances in excess that do not allow you to be aware of all your actions.

“I have colleagues who don't drink and who were very like that, going to flirt with girls and also had a lot of fun taking girls who were high. He wasn't high and it was very easy for him to flirt. A girl who sees you as a 4, now sees you as a 7. It's much easier, on top of that you are serene and you measure your words perfectly, sucking, instead of drooling and falling against the columns. He drank some juices and to drink for c... He used to go out with us, but he always left with a girl. A crack, an off the charts, really. From p... pro.”

The Spanish streamer was talking to his followers, time he took the opportunity to comment on drugs and what happens in nightclubs.


“Having more personality” was one of the messages that the Spanish streamer left in a video shared on his official YouTube channel after the controversy arose in a live show of Twitch. He commented that he did not understand why they were “canceling” it a few weeks after he returned to the streaming platform. He commented that he had been talking for almost two hours with his followers, in which they talked about everything a little.

“Tell me I'm a rapist bleach because 'he's taking advantage of it'. How do you think I'm going to let a colleague take a drunken girl. What kind of thinking do you have?” He added that, those people who consider it that way is because they have not understood his message. Even, the content creator was annoyed in front of cameras because of the rebound that his statements have had.


Despite the fact that many users on Twitter have canceled it, he half-apologized, since he still maintains his stance in defending what he said on the Twitch live.

“I will say it as many times as necessary: if you take advantage of a girl who is very blind and who does not know anything, you are a terrible and horrible person, besides that you commit a crime. And that is not what I said, nor what I have ever defended... What I advocate is that there are people who go out without drinking, smoking or getting high, and who go out to have fun, enjoy the night with colleagues and not be afraid to flirt. This is what my colleague did, who is a crack and who has never done anything wrong to anyone, a very nice athlete kid and a good guy,” he said.


In the same description on his YouTube channel he added “... it's a mistake on my part. I have been very quiet for 2 weeks, in which everyone who goes through live shows is seeing the change I am making, but inevitably sometimes I don't express myself as well as I would like. It is a mistake and I apologize to you, but my message was good and it still is, despite the misinterpretation that some people have given it”, he explained without giving more details about his absence or continuity on the Internet.

Regarding the person he referred to, he commented that the community that is commenting on what happened has called an athlete a “rapist” and that he goes out without drinking because he is a teetotaler, not because he takes advantage of anyone, he said. He also explained that he will start a debate on his platform to talk about this topic that qualifies him as important.

