The evidence that the United States would have against Álvaro Córdoba Ruiz, the brother of senator-elect Piedad Córdoba

Córdoba Ruiz was captured in February, currently, the US justice system is looking for ways to speed up its extradition process


Alvaro Fredy Córdoba Ruiz, brother of Senator Piedad Córdoba, was arrested on the night of February 3 by agents of the Criminal Investigation and Interpol Directorate (DIJIN) of the Colombian National Police. Two other people, Álvaro Alonso Jaramillo and Libya Amanda Palacio, alias Amanda, were captured alongside him. Those arrested were charged with the alleged crime of being logistical support for the 'Gentil Duarte' dissidents that are located in southern Colombia and for alleged trafficking of cocaine to the United States.

A court in the Southern District of New York made the request for his arrest and is now awaiting his extradition, accusing him of entering more than five kilos of cocaine and illegally carrying weapons. However, the brother of the senator elected by Pact Histórico filed a legal remedy to stop the process and it seems that the signing of her possible extradition would be left to the next president-elect.

Since the beginning of the events, Córdoba Ruiz has denied any connection with the accusations, but the US authorities have 136 pages in their possession that prove the accusations against the three subjects. Although they still keep a complete reserve of everything they have, since there are people included in the case who have not been able to be captured.

The newspaper of El Tiempo accessed these documents and found that there is a DEA agent who stated, under oath, that there are sufficient elements for the trial of Córdoba along with his alleged accomplices: “Based on the study of Agent Passmore's affidavit and the evidence contained in this case, I attest that evidence indicates that Córdoba Ruiz, Jaramillo Ramírez and Palacio Mena are guilty of the crimes for which their extradition is requested (drug and arms trafficking)”. In addition, from what the DEA agent said, the authorities have interceptions and witnesses that would prove their relationship with drug trafficking in Colombia and Venezuela.

On the other hand, as the national newspaper mentioned in the file states that those involved: “They knowingly carried firearms, and helped and instigated the use, carrying and possession of firearms, including machine guns capable of firing more than one shot automatically without manually reloading them by simply operating the trigger, as well as destructive devices”.

In the case of his brother Piedad Córdoba, he referred to what happened, he posted a message on Twitter in which he said, “Enough political persecution against me and my family. Neither my brother Álvaro Córdoba nor I have any relation to drug trafficking or armed groups. I challenge that the evidence that supports this new judicial assembly be shown. In the Truth Commission I have already denounced the successive montages that have not yet been clarified against me. This new aggression for my return to politics is not going to delight me as the previous ones have not done so.”

And he added that, “why if my brother was captured since yesterday was he kept in detention and isolated to this day? Why was he kept secret about his retention? Why are your captors asking you about me? What evidence supports this intervention in the elections?”