Seven tips to keep your data safe on social networks

Infobae brings precautionary measures to avoid falling into cybercriminal networks


It is important to take care of security on social networks to prevent the information that is disclosed there from being used by cyberattackers. Criminals could use the exposed data, as well as other oversights, to carry out a social engineering attack consisting of the collection of data that would then be used to, for example, phishing or phishing.

In these cases, a fake site or app is created that pretends to be a well-known platform so that the user then enters their login credentials there.

Sometimes, with information obtained on social networks and other platforms, cybercriminals do phishing by telephone: they impersonate representatives of companies, banks, etc., and convince the user to give them their passwords and others confidential data with any kind of excuses: from the need to update information to the promise of granting them benefits.

Here are some tips for taking care of social media security, shared by Fortinet security experts:

1. Enable multifactor authentication

It's a security measure that adds a layer of security to social media accounts, platforms, and VPN profiles. In these cases, in addition to entering the password, the system requires that a token be included that is received by SMS, app or other additional authentication factor, such as a physical key.

2. Use new and different passwords for each account

This is important so that, in the event that an account is compromised, that hacked information is not used to access all profiles linked to that data. To have secure and different keys for each site, it may be useful to use a password manager.


3. Regularly update security settings on all platforms

Here it is essential to be informed to adjust the configuration of the sites, so that everyone is as protected as possible. Platforms often add options to strengthen the security of their virtual spaces.

4. Limit connections

“Be picky about the type of people and entities you connect with on social media platforms. Carefully review each connection and do not join those that seem insincere or suspicious,” they emphasize in the statement released.

5. Review networks for potential risks

It is important to read about security threats that may affect sites that are used regularly, in order to take the necessary precautions or to install security patches published by affected companies.

6. Verify the authenticity of accounts

Pay attention to accounts on social networks that claim to be from a financial institution, bank or other company. Sometimes they are fake profiles that seek to steal information or obtain key data and then carry out some kind of attack. If in doubt, it is best to contact the alleged entity by phone, by entering the official site (website from the search engine) or some other way.

Experts also warn about a method called catfishing, in which one person takes information and images from another to create a false identity on a social media platform. The catfisher often uses this false identity to trick target people into connecting with them or conducting some kind of online business.


7. Learn about phishing techniques

Once again, being informed is essential in the task of preventing all types of computer attacks.

“In a phishing attack, usually through an email or online message, the cybercriminal lures the potential victim (s) by trying to induce them to click on a malicious link or open a malicious attachment. If the attacker uses social networks to establish a relationship with his target, it will be easier to build the trust necessary to get him to click on malicious links or enter sensitive private information into an online form,” the experts emphasize in the statement released.

They also explain that sometimes attackers appeal to urgency or curiosity in order to convince the victim to pass them confidential information.

