Opposition lashed out at Morena for date change to discuss the Electricity Reform: “Ruin and cowardly”

In addition, deputies from opposition benches arrived with suitcases to Congress to stay and protest throughout the night


From the leadership of the Board of Directors of the Plenary, led by the Morenist deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, informed in a statement that the date and time would be changed to discuss the Electricity Reform.

The member of the Bench of the National Regeneration Movement reported that the new vote will be on April 17, Resurrection Sunday, with the alleged intention of giving to the other deputies time to mature their decision.

For this reason, deputies from all parties lashed out against the decision proposed by the ruling bloc, made up of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico ( PVEM), Labour Party (PT) and Morena.

Such was the case of Jorge Triana, who, through social networks, considered that it was “one of the most crappy and cowardly thing that has ever been seen. They don't know how to lose. He added that behind the decision there is a bet for the opposition to be absent, but he declared that “they will not succeed, we will be there on time on Sunday to close the way to the toxic Barttlet Law.”


For her part, Margarita Zavala reported that the members of PAN, PRI, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano were meeting in the Chamber, so she considered the change of days and times to be held an abuse.

Jorge Romero, the coordinator of the PAN parliamentary group, also assured that the Morenistas will be left wanting if they want a different result by changing dates.

He added: “let Morena do what he wants, they don't have National Action, they don't have the Coalition to approve this electric reform,” and then reaffirm his stance against what they have called the “Barttlet Law”.

“They have a whole week to make whatever decisions they want, go ahead, they have a majority and a weighted vote in Jucopo to be able to change whatever they want, so is our regulation (...) The President of the Republic will not have the PAN vote to pass a retrograde reform, contrary to what people want and need,” Romero said.


Luis Cházaro, who represents the party of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), said that the vote for April 12, 2022 was already a fact, but it was Morena, through her majority in Jucopo, who decided the change.

“They break the agreement and out of desperation they move the discussion to Sunday. It is a lack of respect for all the deputies”, insisted the perredist.

Rubén Moreira, the coordinator of the PRI Parliamentary Group in Congress, simply tweeted “Until Sunday” on his social networks, making it clear that the members of his party will meet on the day and time agreed by the Morenoistas.

Alejandro Moreno, the party's national president, did not do it very differently, assuring on his social networks that regardless of the date, they will wait in the Chamber of Deputies to exercise “a resounding vote against” the Electric Reform.

“They are not going to double us, nor are they going to blackmail us,” he wrote through his official Twitter, adding the hashtag “Here is the PRI”.


Finally, Gabriel Quadri assured that the members of the PAN bench were quartered in the chamber, “ready to fight”, despite the fact that “Morena violates all the agreements and postpones the vote until Sunday.”

But unlike the other deputies, he considered that time is intended to be used to “exhaust the opposition” and to “extort money from deputies”.

And in his most recent publication, he bet that the counter-reform by the Morenoists and allies will probably not be presented to the plenary session, because “they have lost it”.

