Kuelap: collapses, actions, losses in tourism and everything you need to know about the emergency in the pre-Inca fortress

Since last Sunday, collapses have been recorded in this archaeological area of the city in Chachapoyas.




The Kuelap fortress has suffered great irreparable damage after the last three collapses that have been taking place in the archaeological site of Chachapoyas.

The fall of part of the fortress wall in the Amazon region has generated great concern and sadness on the part of the inhabitants of this place, since this will not only affect the tourism sector, but part of our pre-Inca history is lost with this disaster.

Temporary closure

After this news that has shocked Peruvians, the Ministry of Culture, through its representative Alejandro Salas, assured that the temporary closure of the complex is being evaluated archaeological, located in the province of Luya, Amazonas region, in order to safeguard the safety of tourists and preserve the fortress, since it is observed that the rockfall continues and the side walls of the collapsed area are cracked, which could generate further collapses.

Comunicado del Ministerio de Cultura sobre el colapso de Kuélap
Comunicado del Ministerio de Cultura sobre el colapso de Kuélap

Three landslides

Chronologically and according to the report of the Ministry of Culture, the collapses were like this: the first was at 17:08 hours, of much of the South Side Perimeter Wall, Sector Fortress of the Kuelap archaeological complex. Later, around 18:20 hours there was a second collapse and a third at 21:00 hours, according to the Mincul communiqué.

Derrumbe de muro perimétrico en Kuélap
Derrumbe de muro perimétrico en Kuélap

Extent of damage

The document presented by the Ministry of Culture, argues that from the on-site review, it was possible to determine that the area of matter of collapse corresponds to 15 meters long, 12 meters high and a depth of approximately 5 meters and rockfalls continue.

In the face of this disaster, the actions being evaluated also include the placement of biaxial geogrids that cover the collapsed area and adjacent areas. Such meshing will facilitate the placement of a shoring based on plump wood.

It should be mentioned that the Ministry of Culture declared the Kuelap archaeological complex in emergency on February 11, 2022, determining a series of actions for its conservation and enhancement.

Collapse of the perimeter wall of Kuelap Fortress | VIDEO: ATV

The sorrow of a region

Carlos Canelo, Economic Development Manager of the Amazonas Regional Government, was very dismayed by such a significant loss and asked the authorities to support them to manage measures as soon as possible.

“We demand an executing unit for Kuélap with economic autonomy so that it can implement immediate and effective actions for the recovery of this archaeological complex,” he said for the portal InfoRegion.pe.

Today Amazonas is mourning what happened,” he added and recalled that, before the collapse of one of the walls of the fortress, the GORE Amazonas alerted the Executive to this threat, a fact that unfortunately happened yesterday.

“We have been constantly insisting that Kuélap needed an effective intervention, opportunity, immediate, sustained, to preserve its characteristics. That hasn't happened. Kuelap is falling apart,” he regretted. He also added that they promoted meetings with ministers, convening important actors linked to the fortress. He warned that “Kuelap has been neglected by the state.”

Complejo arqueológico de Kuélap
Complejo arqueológico de Kuélap

Stagnant tourism

Let us remember that the city of Chachapoyas planned to receive a large number of visitors for Easter. However, in the face of the temporary closure of the Kuélap fortress after the collapses, this has remained in standby, economically harming citizens living in the tourism sector.

According to the portal Perú Travel, the entrance to this citadel cost 30 soles, so it is less income for the community that had been reactivating after the arrival of the pandemic.

Foto: Ministerio de Cultura
Foto: Ministerio de Cultura

Kuelap and its importance for Peru and the world

Kuelap is a monument before the Inca Empire. Considering its monumental character, there is no doubt that it should have played a leading role in the past of the Chachapoyas culture.

It forms a large stone architectural ensemble characterized by its monumental condition, with a large artificial platform, oriented from south to north, sitting on the calcareous rock ridge at the top of Cerro Barreta (3000 meters above sea level). The platform extends for almost 600 meters and has as its perimeter a wall that at some points reaches 19 meters high.

Fortaleza de Kuélap en Amazonas, Perú (Foto: Difusión)
Fortaleza de Kuélap en Amazonas, Perú (Foto: Difusión)


