Karla Panini was screwed into networks for promoting t-shirts with hate messages against her

The comedian, along with her husband Américo Garza, shared images of what t-shirts that read: “We hate you, Panini” would look like




Karla Panini announced through her social networks that she will start selling t-shirts with a message of hate towards herself, but not all netizens saw her new business well and again criticized her for profiting from the hate that some of the public has for her.

On April 5, comedian Karla Panini shared an image that reads: “We hate you, Panini” in the middle of a phosphorescent pink heart. Later, on April 11, he announced that he would start selling t-shirts with that image.

“'We hate you panini'. That they hate me with that love, I love it! Who wants a t-shirt!! Who did I say?! Me and my precious. Place your orders! ”, she wrote in her publication, where Panini and her husband, Américo Garza, are seen in the clothes that would be on sale.

Although it is not known whether he will actually launch this product on the market, hundreds of Internet users reacted with comments in favor or against his decision, which created a debate in his recent Instagram posts.

Con esta foto Karla promocionó la supuesta venta de sus playeras (Foto: Instagram/@kpaninimx)
Con esta foto Karla promocionó la supuesta venta de sus playeras (Foto: Instagram/@kpaninimx)

The users who supported it wrote: “You be happy Panini, let the world roll, total people always talk”, “I would do the same! I would take advantage of so much hatred towards me”, “In her face, haters, she even monetizes her hatred”, “Just as there are people who hate you, there are also people who love you Panini”.

However, there were more comments in which they pointed to her because she was taking advantage of a situation that, supposedly, would make her look bad, as well as assuring that she was not funny when she was using hate to her advantage.

“If the hell is waiting for you”, “Old ridiculous”, “One to mop!” , “What cynicism is yours”, “Apart from hating yourself, try to be funny and it doesn't come out”, “You should be afraid of karma, chula”, “You just want to make yourself think you're okay? ”, is read in the comments section of the published photograph.

Some of the other netizens who criticized her because of the presence of her husband, Américo, in the photograph and wearing the shirt, and remembered where the hatred that the actress has been facing since 2016 comes from.

Panini no se molestó en contestar comentarios en que la criticaron por promocionar el odio en su contra (Foto: Instagram/@kpaninimx)
Panini no se molestó en contestar comentarios en que la criticaron por promocionar el odio en su contra (Foto: Instagram/@kpaninimx)

“I'm going to take your husband down to see if that's how you keep mocking”, “How ugly to steal the husband from a woman sick with cancer”, “First of all, it was your friend's first precious, that's why you said she was your friend, imagine if not”, they wrote.

Although Panini and Karla Luna were friends and co-workers, they even gained fame together with the characters of Las Lavanderas, in 2016 it was revealed that Panini was having an affair with Americo, who was Luna's husband, and who would marry her after they had divorced.

The controversy became a sea of hate on the part of the public when Luna exposed what had happened to get her divorced and leaked conversations that Panini and Garza had when she and he were still married. The comedian asked Américo to treat her badly and he would send messages to the brunette washerwoman assuring her that it would make her life impossible.

Based on these leaks and Luna's death from cervical cancer in 2017, Panini has faced different criticisms for her behavior and the way she behaved with her friend despite the illness she was facing.


