Fines for missing the flight: guide to how much to pay

If you are traveling for Easter, in the following note we will tell you what fines you must pay if you miss a flight.

We are only days away from the expected holidays for Easter. During these rest dates, it is not uncommon for many to take the opportunity to travel, have fun and discover new places. However, there are always unforeseen events that can turn our happy holidays into distressing and angry times.

Missing a flight is something that has probably happened to most people, whether due to personal circumstances or not your own, it is a situation that can happen whenever we have a trip planned. Depending on the situation, you may be forced to pay fines or additional costs so that you can be put on another flight.

It should be noted that the amount of fines varies depending on each airline. That's why you first need to check your ticket to see if it allows you to change the date or destination of the trip without having to pay fines or fare differences and also see when you can make these changes.


We know that the reasons why you may miss a flight are very varied, however it is necessary to indicate that depending on the reason for the loss of the flight, the passenger must or will not pay a fine. For example, if you've already checked in, but you had a migration delay that prevented you from reaching your gate before it closes, it's normal for airlines to put you on the next available flight, since it wasn't your fault. The same happens when you miss a connecting flight because the previous flight was delayed or canceled.

If you missed your flight because the airline oversold your tickets (this means that the airline sold more seats than there were actually on a flight, it usually happens with a low cost airline), then in addition to asking to be scheduled on another flight because it was their responsibility, you should also ask for the claim book and contact their customer service center to record your complaint with them and the relevant authorities intervene.

However, if the flight was missed for reasons that depended on you, such as not arriving at the airport on time and your ticket does not indicate that you can change the date free of charge, then most likely you will have to pay a fine at the counter to be scheduled for another flight.

While we have already mentioned that these costs vary depending on the airlines, we leave you with some general costs that you might be forced to pay if you miss your flight.


Fines for domestic flights are usually much cheaper than for international flights, due to the fact that the territory is smaller. The cost of the fine is usually $30 dollars and you must pay it at the airline's counter at the airport. They usually schedule you for the nearest flight with available seats.

If what you want is a change of date, this rate may vary.


The cost to pay for missing an international flight is much higher. Usually it can spend $200 dollars or even double this fee. It will all depend on the airline you are traveling on, their rescheduling policies, and what your ticket says. If you have travel insurance, this may exempt you or reduce the amount you pay.

TIP: If you think you might miss your flight, the first thing we suggest is that you contact the airline and record this with them. While this does not guarantee that you will not be charged a fine, it will keep your ticket active and you will also be able to know the options you have from the managers themselves.