Enjoy the gastronomic tour at the market places of Bogotá during Easter

One of those that can be visited is the district market square Kennedy will offer gastronomic combos such as rice with chicken and blackberry candy, special mojarra and colored jelly.


For this year, the district market squares invite citizens to enjoy the best gastronomic offer during Easter. Although seafood is the protagonist this week, thanks to the fact that some stop eating red meat, there are also recipes with white meats such as chicken and chicken that are traditional and rooted in the country's culture.

In the squares you can find a wide variety of cuisine, with traditional dishes such as sancocho, santafereño ajiaco, fried mojarra, chicharrón, picadas, natural juices and fruit salads, as well as a wide range of fish of all kinds.

The district market square Kennedy will offer gastronomic combos such as rice with chicken and sweet blackberry, special mojarra and colored jelly, BBQ pork ribs and soursop candy, catfish in diabolada sauce and sweet skewer, sobrebelriga and rice pudding, fried bocachico and ice cream cup, as well as trout - picua and dulce peto.

Likewise, Plaza La Perseverancia will have promotions throughout Easter in all its fruits, vegetables and gastronomy.

In the district market square Las Ferias you will find menus for all tastes and special promotions. Here are some dishes that you can order at home: beans, mojarra, sobrebarriga, chanfaina, BBQ ribs, filet mignon, paella, berraquillo, ceviche cocktail and special fruit salads, among others.

It is noteworthy that, in several of the city's market squares, it has a home delivery service, such as the District Market Plaza La Perseverancia, District Square of Market Doce de Octubre, District Plaza de Mercado Las Ferias, District Market Plaza Fontibón, District Square of Market Kennedy, District Square of Market Quirigua Market, District Square of Market Restrepo, District Square of Samper Mendoza Market.

With the gastronomic tour, what is sought is to prevent people from eating foods in which they use wild animals. It is that during Easter the life of Colombian fauna is put at risk, due to practices such as the consumption of eggs or meat of species such as turtles and iguanas, which is why they are taken from their natural ecosystems.

For this reason, the Ministry of the Environment makes a special appeal to citizens to refrain from following these customs and to avoid the consumption of any product or food from wild animals in order to prevent damage to these species and their ecosystems.

According to the entity, these food preferences increase the hunting of specimens through cruel practices, where rubber bands or firearms are used, causing suffering for wild animals and thus altering their reproductive cycles.

In 2022, Ambiente seized 764,593 grams of meat and other products from wild animals such as chigüiro, alligator, iguana, horcotea turtle, armadillo, porcupine and shark.

“The extraction of wildlife has irreversible consequences: it generates loss of biodiversity, imbalance in ecosystems, impact on animal and human welfare and, sometimes, species extinction”, is the message sent by the Ministry of Environment to raise awareness and prevent damage to these species.
